Almost every post i read starts with “I’m new to PHP…” followed shortly after with “and i can’t figure this out”
Then, scrolling down through the code that’s been posted I see they are trying to write a script for financial transactions or the next ebay etc. and all the while they are using mysql_* functions! :o :o
Reds top tip: Trying to run before you can walk will end up with a bloody nose!!
Ok, what am I getting at?
The point I’m making is, more often than not, you’re here because you need help.
Don’t let anyone - including me - tell you that you can’t build whatever it is you want to build, but before you try and build that thing, understand PHP - what it can/can’t do.
Start by writing forms - heck the internet is what it is today because of the very first form! No kidding! This opened the door to ‘user interactive websites’ and the rest as they say, is history.
Once you understand forms, look at uploading files, arrays, functions. When you’re comfortable with that lot, look at OOP and classes. This is when it gets really interesting and you can do some really cool stuff, but only when you understand what’s happening, when, where and how.
As a sidenote, I’d been writing PHP for around 3 years before I wrote my first store and probably another 2 years on top of that before I had the kahunas to use it in a live environment!
Take your time, get to know PHP, come to love it and it will love you back! (well, you get my drift)
Anyhow, that’s my little pearl of wisdom for today,
Peace x
Feel free to send your answers on a postcard to Redscouse - on second thoughts, just post them below