JavaScript Quiz using Ajax (Fetch)

I have been rewriting my javascript quiz game using vanilla javascript, Ajax (using Fetch), PHP and MySQL. Here’s is my GitHib Repository where I will have the latest version with branches. Feel Free to using the code or modify it to your liking. I would recommend using fetch ($_get in jQuery) instead of doing XHR requests as it is much simplier to code doing it that way. Vanilla JavaScript is almost as robust as jQuery and you don’t have to have to use a library in order to execute the code. Just my opinion on the matter.

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Just an update on the Javascript Trivia game as I have been really working on it and my website.

Here’s the javascript for the game

 *  Trivia Game Version 2.90.02 beta using FETCH/JSON
 *  by John Pepp
 *  Started: January 14, 2020
 *  Revised: January 30, 2020 1:40 PM

'use strict';
const game = () => {
const quizUrl = 'qdatabase.php?'; // PHP database script 
const d = document;

const buttonContainer = d.querySelector('#buttonContainer');
const question = d.querySelector('#question');
const triviaLabel = d.querySelector('#triviaLabel');
const next = d.querySelector('#next');
const points = 100;
const scoreText = d.querySelector('#score');
const dSec = 20; // Countdown Clock for questions:

var gameIndex = 0,
        gameData = null,
        timer = null,
        score = 0,
        total = 0,
        answeredRight = 0,
        answeredWrong = 0;

const buttons = document.querySelectorAll(".answerButton");
const mainGame = d.querySelector('#mainGame');

 * Countdown Timer For Triva Game
const startTimer = (dSec) => {
    var seconds = dSec;
    const userAnswer = 5, correct = 1;
    const newClock = d.querySelector('#clock');['color'] = 'white';
    newClock.textContent = ((seconds < 10) ? '0' + seconds : seconds);
    const countdown = () => {
        if (seconds === 0) {
  ['color'] = "red";
            newClock.textContent = "00";
            scoringFcn(userAnswer, correct);
            highlightFCN(userAnswer, correct);
            next.addEventListener('click', removeQuiz, false);
        } else {
            newClock.textContent = ((seconds < 10) ? '0' + seconds : seconds);

    timer = setInterval(countdown, 1000);


const stopTimer = () => {

const highlightFCN = (userAnswer, correct) => {

    const highlights = d.querySelectorAll('.answerButton');
    highlights.forEach(answer => {
         * Highlight Answers Function
        if (userAnswer === correct && userAnswer === parseInt(answer.getAttribute('data-correct'))) {
  ["background-color"] = 'green';
        if (userAnswer !== correct && userAnswer === parseInt(answer.getAttribute('data-correct'))) {
  ['background-color'] = 'red';
        if (userAnswer === 5) {
  ['background-color'] = 'red';
const disableListeners = () => {
    const myButtons = d.querySelectorAll('.answerButton');
    myButtons.forEach(answer => {
        answer.removeEventListener('click', clickHandler, false);

const calcPercent = (correct, total) => {
    var average = (correct / total) * 100;
    d.getElementById('percent').textContent = average.toFixed(0) + "%";

const scoringFcn = (userAnswer, correct) => {
    if (userAnswer === correct) {
        score += points;
        scoreText.textContent = "Score " + score + " Points";
    } else {
        score = score - (points / 2);
        scoreText.textContent = "Score " + score + " Points";

const clickHandler = (e) => {

    const correct = gameData[gameIndex].correct;
    const userAnswer = parseInt('data-correct'));

    scoringFcn(userAnswer, correct);
    calcPercent(answeredRight, total);

    highlightFCN(userAnswer, correct);


    next.addEventListener('click', removeQuiz, false);


const removeQuiz = () => {
    next.removeEventListener('click', removeQuiz, false);

    let element = d.querySelector('#buttonContainer');
    while (element.firstChild) {

    createQuiz(gameData[gameIndex]); // Recreate the Quiz Display:


const createQuiz = (gameData) => {
    buttonContainer.setAttribute('data-correct', gameData.correct);
    question.textContent = gameData.question;

     * Create Buttons then inset answers into buttons that were
     * create. 
    gameData.answers.forEach((value, index) => {
        var gameButton = buttonContainer.appendChild(d.createElement('button')); = 'answer' + (index + 1);
        gameButton.className = 'answerButton';
        gameButton.setAttribute('data-correct', (index + 1));
        gameButton.addEventListener('click', clickHandler, false);

function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) {
    return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);

const quizUISuccess = function (parsedData) { = 'block';

    d.querySelector('#category').removeEventListener('change', selectCat);
    d.querySelector('#category').style.display = 'none';
    triviaLabel.textContent = capitalizeFirstLetter(parsedData[gameIndex].category);
    gameData = parsedData.sort(() => Math.random() - .5);


const quizUIError = function (error) {
    console.log("Database Table did not load", error);

    gameData = [
            id: 1,
            question: "What actor from the movie \"Dead Poets Society\" plays Dr. James Wilson on the TV show ",
            correct: 2,
            category: "movie",
            answers: ["Ethan Hawke", "Robert Sean Leonard", "James Waterston"]

            id: 55,
            question: "Who has won the most Oscars for Best Actress?",
            correct: 2,
            category: "movie",
            answers: ["Meryl Streep", "Katharine Hepburn", "Audrey Hepburn", "Jane Fonda"]
            id: 9,
            question: "Who played Jor-El in \"Superman (1978)\"?",
            correct: 4,
            category: "movie",
            answers: ["Glenn Ford", "Ned Beatty", "Christopher Reed", "Marlon Brando"]

    //console.log(gameData); = 'block';

    d.querySelector('#category').removeEventListener('change', selectCat);
    d.querySelector('#category').style.display = 'none';

 * Throw error response if something is wrong: 
const handleErrors = function (response) {
    if (!response.ok) {
        throw (response.status + ' : ' + response.statusText);
    return response.json();

const createRequest = function (url, succeed, fail) {
            .then((response) => handleErrors(response))
            .then((data) => succeed(data))
            .catch((error) => fail(error));

const selectCat = function () {

    var api_key = d.querySelector('.triviaContainer').getAttribute('data-key');
    //var api_key = '42857078e4de89da3d432bd4456faf56c4a6c58f6378332f6f2b0d6ff107f9d9';
    const requestUrl = quizUrl + 'category=' + d.querySelector('#category').value + '&api_key=' + api_key;
    createRequest(requestUrl, quizUISuccess, quizUIError);

d.querySelector('#category').addEventListener('change', selectCat);



It’s written in vanilla javascript and while it’s still not done the game has sure changed just in the last month or two.

Here’s the HTML ->

require_once '../private/initialize.php';

use Library\Read\Read;
use Library\Database\Database as DB;

$_SESSION['api_key'] = bin2hex(random_bytes(32)); // 64 characters long
include '../private/includes/';
<section class="main">
    <h2 class="gameTitle">Trivia Game</h2>
    <aside class="triviaContainer" data-key="<?php echo $_SESSION['api_key'] ?>" data-records=" ">             
        <form id="categories-form" action="triviaGame.php" method="post">
            <input type="hidden" name="modify" value="edit_entry">
            <label for="category">Category - <span id="triviaLabel">Selection</span></label>
            <select id="category" name="category">
                <option value=" ">Select Category</option>
                <option value="movie">movie</option>
                <option value="space">space</option></select>
        <div id="mainGame">
            <div id="headerStyle">
                <h2>Time Left: <span id="clock"></span></h2>
            <div id="triviaSection" data-correct="">
                <h2 id="question">What is the Question?</h2>
                <div id="buttonContainer"></div>
            <div id="playerStats">
                <h2 id="score">Score 0 Points</h2>
                <h2 id="percent">100%</h2>
            <div id="nextStyle">
                <button id="next" class="nextBtn">Next</button>

</section> <!-- End of Section -->
include '../private/includes/';

A lot more info and updates can be found at this repository -> Github Repo

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