Issue with $info = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC); not forming Array

$headers = apache_request_headers();
//$objectgrid = $headers[“X-SecondLife-Shard”];
$objectname = $headers[“X-SecondLife-Object-Name”];
$objectkey = $headers[“X-SecondLife-Object-Key”];
//$objectpos = $headers[“X-SecondLife-Local-Position”];
$ownerkey = $headers[“X-SecondLife-Owner-Key”];
$ownername = $headers[“X-SecondLife-Owner-Name”];
$regiondata = $headers[“X-SecondLife-Region”];
//$regiontmp = explode ("(",$regiondata); // cut cords off
$regionpos = explode (")",$regiontmp[1]); //
//$regionname = substr($regiontmp[0],0,-1); // cut last space from simname*/
include “getconfig.php”;
mysql_connect($server, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass) or die(“Failed to connect to the database”);
mysql_select_db($mysql_db) or die(“Couldn’t select database”);
if($_POST[‘md5’] != md5(“7053e70ab4d312b725b1bfb946f1b5ce$objectkey:27485555”) )
die(“bad hash|”.$ownername);

$stationname = $_POST['STATIONNAME'];  $name =  $_POST['NAME'];
	$query = "SELECT * from craftingstations where station_name = '$stationname'";
	$aresult = mysql_query($query);
	if (!$aresult) {
echo 'Could not run query: ' . mysql_error();

$prim_row = mysql_fetch_array($aresult,MYSQL_NUM);

	for ($i = 0; $i < (count($prim_row)); $i++) 
	if ($i == 1)
	//this is the area with issue  (testing outside for to ensure not another issue
	$query = "SELECT * from  craftresponse where chatname = '$prim_row[1]'";
	//when rename this $query to $thequery and echo $thequery replies with: SELECT * from  craftresponse where chatname = 'Wheat Bread'
	//Code works fine if I don't use the variable and type Wheat Bread direct
	//"SELECT * from  craftresponse where chatname = Wheat Bread";  works perfectly.....
	$result  = mysql_query($query);    //if echo this result I get a proper Resource id #5
	$info = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC); //if echo $info with no association it returns nothing not even Array....
	$lvltype = $info["leveltype"]; 
	//end issue area
	$thequery = "SELECT * from  user_levels where name  = '$name'";   
	$dresult = mysql_query($query);  $userlevels = mysql_fetch_array($dresult,MYSQL_ASSOC);
	$userlvl = $userlevels[$lvltype];
	$info = array();

	$prim_row = array_filter($prim_row);
	$newdata .= $prim_row[$i]  ."|";
	//want to use the $lvltype to make an if here with the $userlvl to check if user has level requirement
	//but no point in adding if until $info loads with data....
		$prim_row = array_filter($prim_row);
		$newdata .= $prim_row[$i]  ."|";

	//trying to test using only this to confirm
	$query = "SELECT * from  craftresponse where chatname = '$prim_row[1]'";
	$result  = mysql_query($query);   $info = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC);
	$lvltype = $info["leveltype"]; 
echo $info;
	//end testing
	// echo $newdata;


        $headers        = apache_request_headers();
        //$objectgrid   = $headers["X-SecondLife-Shard"];
        $objectname     = $headers["X-SecondLife-Object-Name"];
        $objectkey      = $headers["X-SecondLife-Object-Key"];
        //$objectpos    = $headers["X-SecondLife-Local-Position"];
        $ownerkey     = $headers["X-SecondLife-Owner-Key"];
        $ownername      = $headers["X-SecondLife-Owner-Name"];
        $regiondata     = $headers["X-SecondLife-Region"];
        //$regiontmp    = explode ("(",$regiondata); // cut cords off
        $regionpos      = explode (")",$regiontmp[1]); //
        //$regionname   = substr($regiontmp[0],0,-1); // cut last space from simname*/
include "getconfig.php";
        mysql_connect($server, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass) or die("Failed to connect to the database");
        mysql_select_db($mysql_db) or die("Couldn't select database");
        if($_POST['md5'] != md5("7053e70ab4d312b725b1bfb946f1b5ce$objectkey:27485555") )
                die("bad hash|".$ownername);
        if ($_POST['ACTION'] == "STATIONCHECK")
        $stationname = $_POST['STATIONNAME'];  $name =  $_POST['NAME'];
                $query = "SELECT * from craftingstations where station_name = '$stationname'";
                $aresult = mysql_query($query);
                if (!$aresult) {
    echo 'Could not run query: ' . mysql_error();
                $prim_row = mysql_fetch_array($aresult,MYSQL_NUM);
                for ($i = 0; $i < (count($prim_row)); $i++)
                if ($i == 1)
                //this is the area with issue  (testing outside for to ensure not another issue
                $query = "SELECT * from  craftresponse where chatname = '$prim_row[1]'";
                //when rename this $query to $thequery and echo $thequery replies with: SELECT * from  craftresponse where chatname = 'Wheat Bread'
                //Code works fine if I don't use the variable and type Wheat Bread direct
                //"SELECT * from  craftresponse where chatname = Wheat Bread";  works perfectly.....
                $result  = mysql_query($query);    //if echo this result I get a proper Resource id #5
                $info = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC); //if echo $info with no association it returns nothing not even Array....
                $lvltype = $info["leveltype"];
                //end issue area
                $thequery = "SELECT * from  user_levels where name  = '$name'";  
                $dresult = mysql_query($query);  $userlevels = mysql_fetch_array($dresult,MYSQL_ASSOC);
                $userlvl = $userlevels[$lvltype];
                $info = array();
                $prim_row = array_filter($prim_row);
                $newdata .= $prim_row[$i]  ."|";
                //want to use the $lvltype to make an if here with the $userlvl to check if user has level requirement
                //but no point in adding if until $info loads with data....
                        $prim_row = array_filter($prim_row);
                        $newdata .= $prim_row[$i]  ."|";
                //trying to test using only this to confirm
                $query = "SELECT * from  craftresponse where chatname = '$prim_row[1]'";
                $result  = mysql_query($query);   $info = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC);
                $lvltype = $info["leveltype"];
        echo $info;
                //end testing
                // echo $newdata;
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