INSERT & UPDATE in While Loop not working after about 111 Entries

I’m having problems where the INSERT is not bringing all the records from a form after about 111 records. It will create the record with the “job_no”, but doesn’t bring in the other fields after about 111 records. Below is the code. Thanks for any help. (I added the “a” after the UID as a test. it is not necessary and didn’t help)

$resultx = mysql_query(“SELECT * FROM materials WHERE job_no=‘SAC51’ ORDER BY UID”);

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultx))
$venmat = “venmatchg” . $row[‘UID’] . “a” ;
$package = “packagechg” . $row[‘UID’] . “a” ;
$inv_no = “inv_nochg” . $row[‘UID’] . “a” ;
$date = “datechg” . $row[‘UID’] . “a” ;
$qty = “qtychg” . $row[‘UID’] . “a” ;
$uom = “uomchg” . $row[‘UID’] . “a” ;
$up = “upchg” . $row[‘UID’] . “a” ;
$invtotal = “invtotalchg” . $row[‘UID’] . “a” ;
$job = $_POST[jobnumber] . “a” ;
$uid = $row[‘UID’] . “a” ;

mysql_query(“INSERT INTO materialstest (job_no, venmat, package, invoice_no, date, qty, uom, unit_price, invtotal)
VALUES(‘SAC51’,’$_POST[$venmat]’,’$_POST[$package]’,’$_POST[$inv_no]’,’$_POST[$date]’,’$_POST[$qty]’,’$_POST[$uom]’,’$_POST[$up]’,’$_POST[$invtotal]’ )”);


First and foremost, your code is outdated. PDO or mysqli are the only classes that should be used when dealing with a database.

Next, Prepared statements and parameterized statements. You should not be dropping user supplied data directly into a table. It is unsafe, and hazardous to your system.

Lastly, I am not entirely sure what your goal is, but this looks like a bad way to accomplish it.

OK short of redoing everything, any ideas on why I would be having this problem.

It is likely because of how the mysql api handles connections and you quickly hit your max_connections limit. As to how to fix it, not with that code.

What I have been doing is echoing a form that returns the data from a database into an input field so it is easier to edit when I need to make changes. (Edit the whole database on a single form) Then I was using UPDATE in a Loop to put the changes back into the database. The example I gave with the INSERT function is just how I was testing it to figure out the problem. What I guess i’ll do now is limit the number of records I return on the editable form to less than 100 and go from there.
I’m sure there is a much more efficient way to do this, but after much trial and error this is what I came up with and it is still a great improvement from what I used to do. I’m self taught on all the coding I know and only learn enough to put whatever concept I have to practice.

If all this is for is to update the databse in a single area, there are better more widespread tools like, phpmyadmin and mysql workbench that you are directly interacting with the database.

Why, why, why do you people INSIST on using your obsolete, insecure code? You are just asking to be hacked. That code is absolute junk and a SEVERE security risk. Just forget it and move on to PDO. Nobody should be helping you “fix” it. It is un-fixable.

It makes you wonder why they created such a DANGEROUS code in the first place right. Thanks for the help.

OK after a bit of trial and error, switched to mysqli, but still get same results. It will only INSERT 111 records.

$stmt = $con->prepare(“INSERT INTO materialstest (job_no, venmat, package, invoice_no, date, qty, uom, unit_price, invtotal)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)”);
$stmt->bind_param(“sssssisii”, $job ,$venmat ,$package ,$inv_no ,$date ,$qty ,$uom ,$up ,$invtotal);

$sqlx = “SELECT * FROM materials WHERE job_no=‘SAC51’ ORDER BY UID”;

while($row= $resultx->fetch_assoc())
$venmatx = “venmatchg” . $row[‘UID’] ;
$packagex = “packagechg” . $row[‘UID’] ;
$inv_nox = “inv_nochg” . $row[‘UID’] ;
$datex = “datechg” . $row[‘UID’] ;
$qtyx = “qtychg” . $row[‘UID’] ;
$uomx = “uomchg” . $row[‘UID’] ;
$upx = “upchg” . $row[‘UID’] ;
$invtotalx = “invtotalchg” . $row[‘UID’] ;
$jobx = $_POST[jobnumber] ;
$uidx = $row[‘UID’] ;

$venmat = "$_POST[$venmatx]" ;
$package = $_POST[$packagex] ;
$inv_no = $_POST[$inv_nox] ;
$date = $_POST[$datex] ;
$qty = $_POST[$qtyx] ;
$uom = $_POST[$uomx] ;
$up = $_POST[$upx] ;
$invtotal = $_POST[$invtotalx] ;
$job = 	"SAC51" ;
$uid = $_POST[$uidx] ;

if ($venmat != "")	$stmt->execute();


Why are you selecting records to insert into another table?

To edit multiple records at a time in a table form.

Then you would be updating, not inserting new.

For you issue, I still think it has to do with the number of open connections to the database.

Check this topic out, max_connections

Classic XY Problem

I like it

I explained my insert and update trials, other things I have tried, etc above. my question/problem is simple. I’m not asking for a solution to another problem. I want to know why I seem to be limited to specifically 111 Inserts or updates to the database.

I think I mentioned the number of open connectionsjaving to be the issue.

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