include file only running once ?

Hi all, i have a php include file that seems to only run one.

I am outputting to a table and want this file to be called for every line however it only seem to run once and prevents the entire table from loading and displays one line. This particular include is not written by me only modified for what i need.

How i am calling the file.
include ‘userinfo.php’;
include ‘qrzdata.php’;
include ‘locatorcalc.php’;

$spotter $freq $dxcall $firstname $lastname $qra $bd[km]km $bd[deg]deg $other $prefix $country $dt $comments1

this is the include file.

<? function valid_locator ($loc) { if (ereg("^[A-R]{2}[0-9]{2}[A-X]{2}$", $loc)) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } function loc_to_latlon ($loc) { /* lat */ $l[0] = (ord(substr($loc, 1, 1))-65) * 10 - 90 + (ord(substr($loc, 3, 1))-48) + (ord(substr($loc, 5, 1))-65) / 24 + 1/48; $l[0] = deg_to_rad($l[0]); /* lon */ $l[1] = (ord(substr($loc, 0, 1))-65) * 20 - 180 + (ord(substr($loc, 2, 1))-48) * 2 + (ord(substr($loc, 4, 1))-65) / 12 + 1/24; $l[1] = deg_to_rad($l[1]); return $l; } function deg_to_rad ($deg) { return (M_PI * $deg/180); } function rad_to_deg ($rad) { return (($rad/M_PI) * 180); } function bearing_dist($loc1, $loc2) { if (!valid_locator($loc1) || !valid_locator($loc2)) { return 0; } $l1 = loc_to_latlon($loc1); $l2 = loc_to_latlon($loc2); $co = cos($l1[1] - $l2[1]) * cos($l1[0]) * cos($l2[0]) + sin($l1[0]) * sin($l2[0]); $ca = atan2(sqrt(1 - $co*$co), $co); $az = atan2(sin($l2[1] - $l1[1]) * cos($l1[0]) * cos($l2[0]), sin($l2[0]) - sin($l1[0]) * cos($ca)); if ($az < 0) { $az += 2 * M_PI; } $ret[km] = round(6371*$ca); $ret[deg] = round(rad_to_deg($az)); return $ret; } /* Example usage: Distance and heading from JO60LK to JO61UA: */ $bd = bearing_dist("IO92WS", "$qra"); ?>

As you can see the include file is very complex and glad someone else took the time to write this not me.

I am still very new to using php hence why i posted this in the beginners section.

All help appreciated.

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