There is an error but I couldn’t find it
The rule is?
“Kat” This is the number of floors of the block apartment
“Pano Katları” this is the floors where the cables are collected, If there is more than one floor here, we take the value of the top panel floor.
The top panel floor value fits if it is greater than the apartment floor.
“Kat” 20, “Pano Katları” 18,13,7,3, No warning here
18th floor not bigger than 20th floor
“Kat” 10, “Pano Katları” 7,3, There is a warning here
7th floor not bigger than 10th floor
Why is it warning here?
var kackat = kac_kat.trim();
var katlararr = katlar_arr[0].trim();
if( katlararr > kackat ){