Hi guys. I cant seem to get this textbox to not be able to be resized. It can currently be resized and I dont want it to be, but I dont know where to put the code. Heres the entire code.
<?php do_action('un_feedback_content_top') ?>
<?php do_action('un_feedback_form_after')?>
<?php do_action('un_feedback_content_bottom')?>
<?php echo un_get_option(UN_FEEDBACK_FORM_TITLE, __('Feedback', 'usernoise')) ?> <?php if (current_user_can('edit_others_posts')): ?> <?php echo strtolower(__('Settings', 'usernoise')) ?> <?php endif ?>
<?php echo un_feedback_form_text() ?>
<?php do_action('un_fedback_form_before')?> <?php if (un_get_option(UN_FEEDBACK_FORM_SHOW_TYPE)): ?>
<?php $un_h->link_to(__('Idea', 'usernoise') . '', '#', array('id' => 'un-type-idea', 'class' => 'selected'))?>
<?php $un_h->link_to(__('Problem', 'usernoise') . '', '#', array('id' => 'un-type-problem'))?>
<?php $un_h->link_to(__('Question', 'usernoise') . '', '#', array('id' => 'un-type-question'))?>
<?php $un_h->link_to(__('Praise', 'usernoise') . '', '#', array('id' => 'un-type-praise'))?>
<?php $un_h->hidden_field('type', 'idea')?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php $un_h->textarea('description', __('Your feedback', 'usernoise'), array('id' => 'un-description', 'class' => 'text text-empty'))?>
<?php if (un_get_option(UN_FEEDBACK_FORM_SHOW_SUMMARY)): ?>
<?php $un_h->text_field('title', __('Short summary', 'usernoise'), array('id' => 'un-title', 'class' => 'text text-empty'))?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php if (un_get_option(UN_FEEDBACK_FORM_SHOW_EMAIL)): ?>
<?php $un_h->text_field('email', __('Your email (will not be published)', 'usernoise'), array('id' => 'un-email', 'class' => 'text text-empty'))?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php do_action('un_feedback_form_body') ?>
thanks in advance