I am reworking a PHP code so it will automatically create tabs on my pages. It checks if there are h2 (for the title of the tab) and h3 (for the tab text contents) tags added to the page text and if so it creates tabs automatically.
But, I am stuck for days already cause I need to tell the php code to close 2 divs at a specific place but no matter what I try it never closes those divs in the right place.
Now please understand I do not know much about php. I am simply using php code made by others and I am adjusting it to my needs. So, if you see stupid errors or I can easily sove this I am sorry
Let me show the code: [php]<?php
defined(‘COT_CODE’) or die(‘Wrong URL’);
require_once cot_langfile(‘autotab’);
$elems = explode(’,’, $cfg[‘plugin’][‘autotab’][‘elements’]);
$text = $t->vars[‘PAGE_TEXT’];
$chapters = array();
$chapters_elem = array();
foreach($elems as $level => $elem)
$elem = trim($elem);
$headings = array();
is”, $text, $headings, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
$headings = $headings[1];
if (!$headings) continue;
foreach($headings as $heading)
$title = $heading[0];
$chapters[$heading[1]] = array($title, $level);
$chapters_elem[$title] = $elem;
$toc = array();
$parents = array();
foreach($chapters as $chapter)
list($title, $level) = $chapter;
case 0:
$toc[$title] = array();
$parents[$level] = $title;
case 1:
$toc[$parents[0]][$title] = array();
$parents[$level] = $title;
$toc[$parents[0]][$parents[1]][$title] = array();
function buildTOC(&$text, $chapters, $parents = ‘’)
global $chapters_elem;
$toc = ‘
- ’;
- <a href=”$url" title="$chapter">$chapter";
// $text = str_replace("<$elem>$chapter_raw</$elem>", “<div class=“tab-content” id=“tab$level”><div class=“gamelist”><$elem>$level. $chapter</$elem>”, “”);
//if (count($subchapters) > 0)
// $toc .= buildTOC($text, $subchapters, $level.’.’);
$text = str_replace("<$elem>$chapter_raw</$elem>", “<div class=“tab-content” id=“tab$level”><div class=“gamelist”><$elem>$level. $chapter</$elem>”, $text);
//$text2 = str_replace("", “
foreach($chapters as $chapter_raw => $subchapters)
$chapter = strip_tags(trim($chapter_raw));
$elem = $chapters_elem[$chapter_raw];
$level = $parents.$i;
$url = $_SERVER[“REQUEST_URI”] . “#tab$level”;
$toc .= “
// $text .= ‘’; this does not work cause now it creates xx number, equal to the number of tabs cause it loop, of ending divs after the last tab text.
$toc .= ‘’;
// $text .= ‘’; this does not work cause now it creates xx number, equal to the number of tabs cause it loop, of ending divs after the last tab text.
$end .= ‘’;
$toc .= ‘
$text .= ‘
return $toc;
$t->assign(‘PAGE_TOC’, buildTOC($text, $toc));
$t->assign(‘PAGE_TEXT’, $text);
This outputs the following: [code]
1. tab1
text tab 1
2. tab2
text tab 2
3. tab3
text tab 3
Now the problem is I need 2 closing divs after each and after the last there should be 4 closing divs.
No matter what I try I can not get closing divs to be added properly. Everything I do adds closing divs in the wrong position as you can see from some leftover comments in the above php.
I tried many more things, like a new variable called “$end” which adds the closing div but it simply skipped that. I tired an additional str_replace like this [php]$text = str_replace("", “
I hope people here can help me cause I am about to give up on this, thanks in advance!