This is what I’ve been able to come up with. Much cleaner than what I had but I’m getting an error in VS code that I don’t know how to handle. Here’s the script with the error noted as a comment:
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<title>Foxclone backup, restore, and cloning utility</title>
<meta name="description" content= "FoxClone is a Linux based image backup, restore and clone tool using a simple point and click interface." />
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<h1>Foxclone Filelist Updating</h1>
<div class="header"> </div>
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
function updater () {
$php_scripts = '../php/';
require $php_scripts . 'PDO_Connection_Select.php';
if (!$pdo = PDOConnect("foxclone_data"))
$meg = 1048576 ; // needed to convert filesize bytes to Mb
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE `files` SET `filename` = ?, `md5` = ?, `filesize` = ?,`logtime` = now() WHERE `id` = ?") ;
$path = 'download/';
foreach(glob($path.'*.*') as $file) {
$file = new SplFileInfo($path.$file);
$extension = $file->getExtension();
------> if (substr($file, 10,3) = "std") //**Errors with Can't use function return value in write context**
$getdata = (array($file, md5_file($file), filesize($file)/$meg, 1)) ;
$count= $stmt->execute ($getdata) ;
if ($count==0)
exit("Failed to update std iso");
elseif (substr($file, 9,1) = "V")
$getdata = (array($file, md5_file($file), filesize($file)/$meg, 2)) ;
$count= $stmt->execute ($getdata) ;
if ($count==0)
exit("Failed to update pdf");
elseif ($extension = "deb")
$getdata = (array($file, md5_file($file), filesize($file)/$meg,3)) ;
$count= $stmt->execute ($getdata) ;
if ($count==0)
exit("Failed to update deb");
elseif ($extension = "gz")
$getdata = (array($file, md5_file($file), filesize($file)/$meg,4)) ;
$count= $stmt->execute ($getdata) ;
if ($count==0)
exit("Failed to update gz");
elseif (substr($file, 1,4) = "news")
$getdata = (array($file, md5_file($file), filesize($file)/$meg, 5)) ;
$count= $stmt->execute ($getdata) ;
if ($count==0)
exit("Failed to update news");
elseif (substr($file(10,3) = "edg"))
$getdata = (array($file, md5_file($file), filesize($file)/$meg,6)) ;
$count= $stmt->execute ($getdata) ;
if ($count==0)
exit("Failed to update edge iso");
<div class="row" style="text-align:center;" </div>
<h1>Database Update Successful</h1>