The script I’m trying to modify has a My Channel page that shows a list of thumbnail images (pertaining to the videos that the User uploaded). When you mouse over, the play icon appears over the thumbnail, and when the thumbnail is selected, the user is redirected to a folder called /watch/ and plays the video on another page. I’m trying to modify the My Channel page so that there is no clicking of the thumbnails, just the page showing that list of thumbnail images (pertaining to the videos that the User uploaded) - no redirect to play. I’ve looked over (and tried a few things) this file, but can’t figured out, essentially how to block the selecting/redirecting. Any help will be appreciated.
if (empty($_GET['id'])) {
header("Location: " . PT_Link(''));
$username = PT_Secure($_GET['id']);
$user_id = $db->where('username', $username)->getOne(T_USERS);
$lists = false;
if (empty($user_id)) {
header("Location: " . PT_Link(''));
$pt->second_page = 'videos';
if (!empty($_GET['page'])) {
switch ($_GET['page']) {
case 'liked-videos':
$pt->second_page = 'liked-videos';
case 'about':
$pt->second_page = 'about';
case 'play-lists':
$pt->second_page = 'play-lists';
$lists = true;
$user_data = PT_UserData($user_id, array(
'data' => true
$pt->isowner = false;
if (IS_LOGGED == true) {
if ($user_data->id == $user->id) {
$pt->isowner = true;
$videos_html = '';
$videos_count = 0;
$get_video_query = 1;
$watch_later_list = 0;
if ($pt->second_page == 'videos') {
if (IS_LOGGED == true) {
if ($user_data->id != $user->id) {
$db->where('privacy', 0);
} else {
$db->where('privacy', 0);
$videos = $db->where('user_id', $user_data->id)->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->get(T_VIDEOS, 20, 'video_id');
if ($pt->second_page == 'liked-videos') {
$videos = $db->where('user_id', $user_data->id)->where('type', 1)->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->get(T_DIS_LIKES, 20);
$get_video_query = 2;
if ($pt->second_page == 'play-lists') {
if ($pt->isowner === true) {
$playlists = $db->where('user_id', $user_data->id)->get(T_LISTS);
$watch_later = $db->where('user_id', $user_data->id)->orderBy('id', 'ASC')->getOne(T_WLATER);
$wl_count = $db->where('user_id', $user_data->id)->getValue(T_WLATER, 'count(*)');
if (!empty($watch_later)) {
$wl_video = PT_GetVideoByID($watch_later->video_id, 0, 0, 2);
if (!empty($wl_video)) {
$wl_video_id = $watch_later->video_id;
$videos_html .= PT_LoadPage('playlist/wl-list', array(
'TITLE' => "Watch Later",
'THUMBNAIL' => $wl_video->thumbnail,
'COUNT' => $wl_count,
'URL' => PT_Link('watch/' . PT_Slug($wl_video->title, $wl_video->video_id) . "?list=wl"),
$playlists = $db->where('user_id', $user_data->id)->where('privacy', 1)->get(T_LISTS);
if (!empty($videos) && !$lists) {
$videos_count = count($videos);
foreach ($videos as $key => $video) {
$video_get = PT_GetVideoByID($video->video_id, 0, 0, $get_video_query);
$video_id = $video_get->id;
if ($get_video_query == 2) {
$video_id = $video->id;
$videos_html .= PT_LoadPage('videos/list', array(
'ID' => $video_id,
'VID_ID' => $video_get->id,
'TITLE' => $video_get->title,
'VIEWS' => $video_get->views,
'VIEWS_NUM' => number_format($video_get->views),
'USER_DATA' => $video_get->owner,
'THUMBNAIL' => $video_get->thumbnail,
'URL' => $video_get->url,
'TIME' => $video_get->time_ago,
'DURATION' => $video_get->duration
elseif(!empty($playlists) && $lists){
foreach ($playlists as $key => $list) {
$list_id = $list->list_id;
$video = $db->where('list_id', $list->list_id)->orderBy('id', 'asc')->getOne(T_PLAYLISTS);
if (isset($video->video_id)) {
$video_get = PT_GetVideoByID($video->video_id, 0, 0, 2);
$vid_count = $db->where('user_id', $user_id->id)->where('list_id', $list_id)->getValue(T_PLAYLISTS, 'count(*)');
if (!empty($video_get)) {
$videos_html .= PT_LoadPage('playlist/list', array(
'ID' => $list->id,
'TITLE' => $list->name,
'THUMBNAIL' => $video_get->thumbnail,
'COUNT' => $vid_count,
'URL' => PT_Link('watch/' . PT_Slug($video_get->title, $video_get->video_id) . "/list/$list_id"),
$videos_html = '<div class="text-center no-content-found empty_state"><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="feather feather-video-off"><path d="M16 16v1a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H3a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V7a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h2m5.66 0H14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v3.34l1 1L23 7v10"></path><line x1="1" y1="1" x2="23" y2="23"></line></svg>' . $lang->no_videos_found_for_now . '</div>';
$pt->profile_fields = null;
$pt->profile_fields = $db->where('profile_page','1')->where('active','1')->get(T_FIELDS);
$pt->user->fields = $db->where('user_id',$user_data->id)->getOne(T_USR_PROF_FIELDS);
$pt->user->fields = (is_object($pt->user->fields)) ? get_object_vars($pt->user->fields) : array();
$pt->custom_fields = "";
foreach ($pt->profile_fields as $field_data) {
$field_data->fid = 'fid_' . $field_data->id;
$field_data->name = preg_replace_callback("/{{LANG (.*?)}}/", function($m) use ($pt) {
return (isset($pt->lang->$m[1])) ? $pt->lang->$m[1] : '';
}, $field_data->name);
$field_data->description = preg_replace_callback("/{{LANG (.*?)}}/", function($m) use ($pt) {
return (isset($pt->lang->$m[1])) ? $pt->lang->$m[1] : '';
}, $field_data->description);
if (!empty($pt->user->fields[$field_data->fid])) {
$fid = $pt->user->fields[$field_data->fid];
$pt->fid = $fid;
if ($field_data->type == 'select') {
$options = @explode(',', $field_data->options);
$fid = $options[$pt->user->fields[$field_data->fid] - 1];
$pt->custom_fields .= PT_LoadPage('timeline/includes/custom-fields',array(
"FID" => $fid,
"NAME" => $field_data->name,
"DESC" => $field_data->description,
$pt->profile_user = $user_data;
$pt->videos_count = $videos_count;
$pt->page = 'timeline';
$pt->title = $user_data->name . ' | ' . $pt->config->title;
$pt->description = $pt->config->description;
$pt->keyword = $pt->config->keyword;
$pt->content = PT_LoadPage('timeline/content', array(
'USER_DATA' => $user_data,
'SUBSCIBE_BUTTON' => PT_GetSubscribeButton($user_data->id),
'MESSAGE_BUTTON' => PT_GetMessageButton($user_data->username),
'SECOND_PAGE' => PT_LoadPage('timeline/pages/' . $pt->second_page, array(
'VIDEOS' => $videos_html,
'USER_DATA' => $user_data,
'CUSTOM_FIELDS' => $pt->custom_fields,