I am using this function add alt tags. But only problem that it changes content after the page is loaded and you can see the text been changed. What do I need to change? I am new to php. Please be kind.
Thank you so much,
$content = '
replace alt <img src="aaaa" alt="" />
replace alt <img src="bbbb" alt=" " />
replace alt <img src="cccc" />
do nothing <img src="dddd" alt="xxxxxxx" />
do nothing <img src="eeee" alt="yyyyy" />
echo replace_alt($content, 'TEST');
function replace_alt($html_content, $alt_text='')
{ $count = preg_match_all('/<img[^>]+>/i', $html_content, $images);
{ $o = $html_content;
$t = 'alt="'.$alt_text.'" ';
foreach($images[0] as $img)
{ $is_alt = preg_match_all('/ alt="([^"]*)"/i', $img, $alt);
{ $new_img = str_replace('<img ', '<img '.$t , $img);
$o = str_replace($img, $new_img, $o);
{ $text = trim($alt[1][0]);
{ $new_img = str_replace(trim($alt[0][0]), $t, $img);
$o = str_replace($img, $new_img, $o);
return $o;