Hello, Everyone!
Let me start off by saying I have no PHP experience at all. My name is Craig. I had a website created back in 2009 that I owned and maintained until 2014 when I lost my job. Since then, the guy who did the hosting (and created the module I use for my site) has retired and gone black and someone bought and is squatting on my domain. After laughing at his request for $150 to regain ownership, I got the closest thing I could to the original (now .net instead of .com (www.blackenedtrading.net) for my bootleg audio and video trading site and got new hosting. After getting help to fix a bunch of things, I now have a Bootlegs page on my site where 1/2 the .png image files I’ve loaded aren’t showing and I’ve been told to look for a cache-clearing script to add to the php to fix the problem.
Which is why I’m here. Other than looking around at the various php files in my file manager, I know nothing about php. I think I’ve found something that could potentially help (maybe) but I don’t know where to put it. I’m hoping by checking out the site and looking at what’s already been posted, I might find a way to remedy my problem. This all seems a bit intimidating. But, I’m hoping after looking around a bit I might be a bit more comfortable with php.