Yes, don’t do that! Sorry, that was a joke. First, 150k of items is NOT very much these days. I have one
with about 2.5 million and it is very fast to access it.
The problem is in the browser if you are attempting to display a large number at a time. It really depends
on what you mean by “generating” a row. You mentioned generating the table for an hour. 30 megs is NOT
a very large file. I have used much larger ones. BUT, if you are creating a database from a text file, that is
most likely your problem. Since servers are extremely slow when accessing text files, if it is a text file, it
could be that issue. If so, you can speed it up by breaking down the file into smaller chunks and doing one
at a time. Servers have issues with large text files.
Well, there are a hundred other questions to ask, perhaps if you show us some code, we might be able to
help you further.
Oh, also, if it is an excel file, you can use a CSV library that might speed it up. More info please!