help with php poll script

Hello, I have a php poll script that works great, how ever i would like to add a function or line of code to display the total number of votes as it currently dont, any help would be greatly appreciated, Creig
below is part of the script i believe is needed to achieve this.
Here is the HTML

$a = new webPoll(array(
        'When it comes to improvements you would rather?',
        'Do it your self',
        'Attemt to do it your self',
        'Ask friends for help',
        'Aviod improvements',
        'Hire a contractor'));


and the PHP <?php # you don't display errors on in-use scripts, do you? ini_set('display_errors',0); error_reporting(E_ALL|E_STRICT);

class webPoll {

# makes some things more readable later
const POLL = true;
const VOTES = false;

# number of pixels for 1% on display bars
public $scale = 2;

public $question = '';
public $answers = array();
private $header = '<form class="webPoll" method="post" action="%src%">
                   <input type="hidden" name="QID" value="%qid%" />
private $center = '';
private $footer = "\n</ul></fieldset>%button%\n</form>\n";
private $button = '<p class="buttons"><button type="submit" class="vote">Vote!</button></p>';
private $md5 = '';


  • Takes an array containing the question and list of answers as an

  • argument. Creates the HTML for either the poll or the results depending

  • on if the user has already voted
    public function __construct($params) {
    $this->question = array_shift($params);
    $this->answers = $params;
    $this->md5 = md5($this->question);

    $this->header = str_replace(’%src%’, $_SERVER[‘SCRIPT_NAME’], $this->header);
    $this->header = str_replace(’%qid%’, $this->md5, $this->header);
    $this->header = str_replace(’%question%’, $this->question, $this->header);

    seperate cookie for each individual poll

    isset($_COOKIE[$this->md5]) ? $this->poll(self::VOTES) : $this->poll(self::POLL);
    private function poll($show_poll) {
    $replace = $show_poll ? $this->button : ‘’;
    $this->footer = str_replace(’%button%’, $replace, $this->footer);

    static function doesn’t have access to instance variable

    if(!$show_poll) {
    $results = webPoll::getData($this->md5);
    $votes = array_sum($results);

    for( $x=0; $x<count($this->answers); $x++ ) {
    $this->center .= $show_poll ? $this->pollLine($x) : $this->voteLine($this->answers[$x],$results[$x],$votes);

    echo $this->header, $this->center, $this->footer;

private function pollLine($x) {
isset($this->answers[$x+1]) ? $class = ‘bordered’ : $class = ‘’;
return "

  • {$this->answers[$x]}

  • ";
    private function voteLine($answer,$result,$votes) {
    $result = isset($result) ? $result : 0;
    $percent = round(($result/$votes)100);
    $width = $percent * $this->scale;
    return "



  • ";
    • processes incoming votes. votes are identified in the database by a combination

    • of the question’s MD5 hash, and the answer # ( an int 0 or greater ).
      static function vote() {
      if(!isset($_POST[‘QID’]) || !isset($_POST[‘AID’]) || isset($_COOKIE[$_POST[‘QID’]])) {

      $dbh = new PDO(‘sqlite:voting.db’);
      $dbh->setAttribute( PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION );

      try {
      $sth = $dbh->prepare( “INSERT INTO tally (QID,AID,votes) values (:QID, :AID, 1)” );
      catch(PDOException $e) {
      # 23000 error code means the key already exists, so UPDATE!
      if($e->getCode() == 23000) {
      try {
      $sth = $dbh->prepare( “UPDATE tally SET votes = votes+1 WHERE QID=:QID AND AID=:AID”);
      catch(PDOException $e) {
      else {

      entry in $_COOKIE to signify the user has voted, if he has

      if($sth->rowCount() == 1) {
      setcookie($_POST[‘QID’], 1, time()+606024*365);
      $_COOKIE[$_POST[‘QID’]] = 1;
      static function getData($question_id) {
      try {
      $dbh = new PDO(‘sqlite:voting.db’);
      $dbh->setAttribute( PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION );

       $STH = $dbh->prepare('SELECT AID, votes FROM tally WHERE QID = ?');

      catch(PDOException $e) {
      # Error getting data, just send empty data set
      return array(0);

      while($row = $STH->fetch()) {
      $results[$row[‘AID’]] = $row[‘votes’];

      return $results;

    • You can do something with the error message if you like. Email yourself

    • so you know something happened, or make an entry in a log
      static function db_error($error) {
      echo “A database error has occoured. $error”;



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