Hi there,
I need help with iterating backwards through an excel spreadsheet in PHP. I need to use the value of the highest row in column(0) as the reference when iterating through the 0th column so that I can get to the first cell’s row where that value appears.
This is what I need
//Loop to determine the first instance of the highest rows 0th cell value
This what I have to use it for.
while($col = 0; $x <= )
for($row = $highest_row_index; $row <= ; -- $row){
$cell = $google_sheet_XLSX->getCellByColumnAndRow($row, $col);
$val = $cell->getValue();
This code above is to create an array of the cells value of the specific column, starting at the highest row and ending at the first instance of the value in the highest rows first cell.
I hope what I’m asking makes sense and it’s confusing, because it’s confusing me.