help with adding function to a php poll

I am really new to php and could do with some help. Below is a simple poll script I am using (I didnt write this myself) and what I want to do is show another figure just below the percentage. This would be the vote % converted into betting odds so if enough people vote we can tell if the selection represents value. The calculation would be: 1/pecentage * 100" = decimal odds.

If somebody could tell me what code and where is would go I would be eternally grateful.




[code]// JavaScript Document

// only accept alpha numeric, “-” and “"
poll_id = poll_id.replace(/[^a-z0-9

// create a div with the ID same as poll_id, we will display the poll in it

// a function that retruns the full path of current .js file
var js_script_url = (function(){
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’), script = scripts[scripts.length - 1];
if (script.getAttribute.length !== undefined) {
return script.getAttribute(‘src’)
return script.getAttribute(‘src’, 2)

// get the working directory of this js script, to be able to redirect to poll.php properly
last_slash_position = js_script_url.lastIndexOf("/");
script_directory = js_script_url.slice(0,last_slash_position+1);

$variables_string = “?poll_id=”+poll_id+"&poll_question="+poll_question+"&poll_titles="+poll_titles+"&poll_images="+poll_images;

// load the iframe
document.getElementById(poll_id).src = script_directory +“poll.php”+$variables_string;

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