Hello all you smart people. I’m hoping you can help me with a problem. I have been asked to help update a web site that is using MODX. But there is a bunch of custom PHP pages, that to this point I have been able to update with little help by pouring over the code and making changes.
Now for my issue: I want to pass user info from a form to the next page that will be filled in with that info. An example would be the users name, address, etc.
At the beginning of the page with the initial form I added:
**// Start the session**
And what already existed was this:
**if (isset($_POST['fname']) && $_POST['fname']!=''){ $fname = mysql_escape_string($_POST['fname']); }else { $error .='First Name<br />'; }**
With several other lines with additional user information below that line for adress, city, state, etc. My question is, how to I pass that information onto the next page? How do I create a variable that can then be called on the next page. Most likely adding to the above line and passing [‘fname’] to the second page and displaying it.
Thank you all in advance,