Hello all
I’m very new to PHP and trying to learn.
So to give some context, i started dabling in a website code to try and make it do more stuff than it does atm.
So the original is as it follows, all working fine
$NewTID = mysql_insert_id ();
// NOTE Category IDs are: TV-HD = 47; TV-SD = 16; Soaps = 54;
// get the current day (12 hour behind current time)
$plugin_shows_airdate = date('l', strtotime('-12 hour'));
// query possible shows to link for today
$plugin_shows_query = sql_query ("SELECT * FROM plugin_shows WHERE airDate = '$plugin_shows_airdate' AND (linkSD = '' OR linkHD = '')");
// check we got some results
if (mysql_num_rows ($plugin_shows_query) > 0)
// so far we mark that we have not matched a show
$plugin_shows_unmatched = 1;
// until we match a show, loop through results
while ($plugin_shows_unmatched == 1 && $plugin_shows_squery=mysql_fetch_assoc($plugin_shows_query))
// if we have a TV-SD cat
if ($category == '16')
// look for regex match
if ( preg_match ( '/'.$plugin_shows_squery['sdRegex'].'/', $name, $plugin_shows_matches))
// check its not already linked
if (empty($plugin_shows_squery['linkSD']))
// store the result
$plugin_shows_uquery = sql_query ("UPDATE plugin_shows SET linkSD = 'https://www.test.eu/details.php?id=".$NewTID."' WHERE id = '".$plugin_shows_squery['id']."'") ;
// skip further sub-queries
$unmatched = 0;
// or if we have a TV-HD cat
elseif($category == '47')
// look for regex match
if ( preg_match ( '/'.$plugin_shows_squery['hdRegex'].'/', $name, $plugin_shows_matches) )
// check its not already linked
if (empty($plugin_shows_squery['linkHD']))
// store the result
$plugin_shows_uquery = sql_query ("UPDATE plugin_shows SET linkHD = 'https://www.test.eu/details.php?id=".$NewTID."' WHERE id = '".$plugin_shows_squery['id']."'");
// skip further sub-queries
$unmatched = 0;
So i started changing it a bit to make it do some more stuff and changed it into
$NewTID = mysql_insert_id ();
// NOTE Category IDs are: TV-HD = 47; TV-SD = 16; Soaps = 54;
// get the current day (12 hour behind current time)
$plugin_shows_airdate = date('l', strtotime('-12 hour'));
// query possible shows to link for today
$plugin_shows_query = sql_query ("SELECT * FROM plugin_shows WHERE airDate = '$plugin_shows_airdate' AND (linkSD = '' OR linkHD = '')");
// check we got some results
if (mysql_num_rows ($plugin_shows_query) > 0)
// so far we mark that we have not matched a show
$plugin_shows_unmatched = 1;
// until we match a show, loop through results
while ($plugin_shows_unmatched == 1 && $plugin_shows_squery=mysql_fetch_assoc($plugin_shows_query))
// if we have a TV-SD cat
if ($category == '16' || $category == '54')
// look for regex match
if ( preg_match ( '/'.$plugin_shows_squery['sdRegex'].'/', $name, $plugin_shows_matches) )
// check its not already linked
if (empty($plugin_shows_squery['linkSD']))
// store the result
$plugin_shows_uquery = sql_query ("UPDATE plugin_shows SET linkSD = 'https://www.test.eu/details.php?id=".$NewTID."' WHERE id = '".$plugin_shows_squery['id']."'");
// skip further sub-queries
$unmatched = 0;
// or if we have a TV-HD cat
elseif($category == '47' || $category == '54')
// look for regex match
if ( preg_match ( '/'.$plugin_shows_squery['hdRegex'].'/', $name, $plugin_shows_matches) )
// check its not already linked
if (empty($plugin_shows_squery['linkHD']))
// store the result
$plugin_shows_uquery = sql_query ("UPDATE plugin_shows SET linkHD = 'https://www.test.eu/details.php?id=".$NewTID."' WHERE id = '".$plugin_shows_squery['id']."'");
// get the current day (24 hour behind current time)
$xsplugin_shows_airdate = date('l', strtotime('-24 hour'));
// query possible shows to link for today
$plugin_shows_query = sql_query ("SELECT * FROM plugin_shows WHERE airDate = '$plugin_shows_airdate' AND (linkSD = '' OR linkHD = '')");
// check we got some results
if (mysql_num_rows ($plugin_shows_query) > 0)
// so far we mark that we have not matched a show
$plugin_shows_unmatched = 1;
// until we match a show, loop through results
while ($plugin_shows_unmatched == 1 && $plugin_shows_squery=mysql_fetch_assoc($plugin_shows_query))
// if we have a TV-SD cat
if ($category == '16' || $category == '54')
// look for regex match
if ( preg_match ( '/'.$plugin_shows_squery['sdRegex'].'/', $name, $plugin_shows_matches))
// check its not already linked
if (empty($plugin_shows_squery['linkSD']))
// store the result
$plugin_shows_uquery = sql_query ("UPDATE plugin_shows SET linkSD = 'https://www.test.eu/details.php?id=".$NewTID."' WHERE id = '".$plugin_shows_squery['id']."'");
// skip further sub-queries
$unmatched = 0;
// or if we have a TV-HD cat
elseif($category == '47' || $category == '54')
// look for regex match
if ( preg_match ( '/'.$plugin_shows_squery['hdRegex'].'/', $name, $plugin_shows_matches) )
// check its not already linked
if (empty($plugin_shows_squery['linkHD']))
// store the result
$plugin_shows_uquery = sql_query ("UPDATE plugin_shows SET linkHD = 'https://www.test.eu/details.php?id=".$NewTID."' WHERE id = '".$plugin_shows_squery['id']."'");
// skip further sub-queries
$unmatched = 0;
After these changes, everything worked as intended … except it wasn’t picking up the TV-HD cat for $category == ‘54’ but that isn’t problematic even tho i don’t know how to make it work.
Plus i wanted to add a 48h behind current time, so i did what i did previously and added the same code with the 48 less change and it stoped working… the page just gives a 500 error
My knowledge of php is too low to solve this, so i’m asking for help.
How can i fixe the TV-HD cat to pick up the category 54 and the 48 less change?
Thanks alot all