I am trying to install a php script for a clone of Freelancer.com
The installation guide is below. I have followed everything on the installation guide (I am pretty sure) but it still isn’t working. (Check out the site www.findmytradey.com to see what the errors are)
Can anyone please help? I am thinking it might have something to do with step 5… (I have also included below the standard script for config.php)
- Extract archive
- Copy all the files from public_html to document root on server (usually public_html)
- Chmod templates_c, admin/templates_c, upload and subfolders of this folders to 777
- From cpanel, create database and user for mysql. Import from mysql_database the workman_main.sql into your database
- Edit includes/config.php
case “yourwebsite.com”:
case “www.yourwebsite.com”:
$config[‘DB_Type’] = ‘mysql’;
$config[‘DB_Host’] = ‘localhost’;
$config[‘DB_Name’] = ‘database name’;
$config[‘DB_User’] = ‘databaase username’;
$config[‘DB_Passwd’] = ‘database password’;
$config[‘DB_Type’] = ‘mysql’;
$config[‘DB_Host’] = ‘localhost’;
$config[‘DB_Name’] = ‘database name’;
$config[‘DB_User’] = ‘databaase username’;
$config[‘DB_Passwd’] = ‘database password’;
Check if .htaccess is overwritten, if not overwrite with the file from public_html
Edit tweet.php
$sqlhost=“your sql hostname”;
$sqluser=“mysql usernam”;
$sqlpass=“mysql password”;
$sqldb=“mysql database”;
$website=“your website ex. http://www.mywebsite.tld”;
$twitteruser=“twitter username”;
$twitterpass=“twitter password”; -
Hosting cpanel add the following to cron where Your Home Directory is the path on server, ex /home/mywebsite in cpanel
you can find this value in the left at Stats second row.
0,30 * * * * php Your Home Directory/public_html/cronjobs/send_mail_30_mins.php
php Your Home Directory/public_html/cronjobs/deactivate_user.php
php Your Home Directory/public_html/cronjobs/membership.php
php Your Home Directory/public_html/cronjobs/send_all_project.php
php Your Home Directory/public_html/cronjobs/send_area_wise_project.php
php Your Home Directory/public_html/cronjobs/send_new_projects.php
first one is executed every 30 minutes, rest of them every minute.
Chmod 777 public_html\2010sp.xml and public_html\recent.js
Edit twitter.php and change with your username and password.
Links and important files
- admin http://www.yoursite.com/admin default username and password: admin admin
- default layout - templates/default_layout.tpl
- default header - templates/default_header.tpl
- configuration file - includes/common.php
- mysql database - table website_config
- if you need anything bulk replace, there is a replace.php file in root, just read and edit
/* this file is used for database connection */
$config[‘tplEx’] = ‘.tpl’; // file extension
//$Language_Types = isset($_POST[‘Language_Types’]) ? $_POST[‘Language_Types’] : (isset($_SESSION[‘Language_Types’])?$_SESSION[‘Language_Types’]:“en” );
//$_SESSION[‘Language_Types’] = $Language_Types;
case “GANESH”:
$config[‘DB_Type’] = ‘mysql’;
$config[‘DB_Host’] = ‘localhost’;
$config[‘DB_Name’] = ‘veva2010_Freelance’;
$config[‘DB_User’] = ‘root’;
$config[‘DB_Passwd’] = ‘’;
case "MYLOCAL":
$config['DB_Type'] = 'mysql';
$config['DB_Host'] = 'localhost';
$config['DB_Name'] = 'veva2010_Freelance';
$config['DB_User'] = 'root';
$config['DB_Passwd'] = '';
case "freelance.v-eva.com":
case "www.freelance.v-eva.com":
$config['DB_Type'] = 'mysql';
$config['DB_Host'] = 'localhost';
$config['DB_Name'] = 'veva2010_Freelance';
$config['DB_User'] = '';
$config['DB_Passwd'] = '';
$config['DB_Type'] = 'mysql';
$config['DB_Host'] = 'localhost';
$config['DB_Name'] = 'veva2010_Freelance';
$config['DB_User'] = '';
$config['DB_Passwd'] = '280165';