Google ReCaptcha v2 stopped working?

I am running Google ReCaptcha on 3 sites (maybe 4). They were all working fine. Not sure when as I was just recently made aware, but none of them work anymore ??? Did google change something or is it because I updated php??
The problwm is in the response - no matter what I try, I cannot verify that I am human.

        $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
         $responseKeys = json_decode($response,true);
         if(intval($responseKeys["success"]) !== 1) {
           echo '<h4 style="color:#c30000;text-align:center;">Sorry, we cannot verify that you are human</h4><br><br>';
         } else {

Any idea why would ber greatly helpful.

Have you checked your browser’s developer tools, while visiting a page and submitting the captcha, if there are any relevant errors?

When the captcha fails, there is an error-codes element in the response -
You should (already) be logging this information so that you know what type of failures are occurring.

Not sure or understand how to detect captcha error messages

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