Hello, recently I forced HTTPS on my domain and it disabled the menu buttons on my homepage. I have been trying to find which files to edit to change the URL. I keep searching my server to find the file that controls this. I found a file that looks like a config file, and wondered if this is it. Can anyone advise?
function __getConfig() {
if ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == on)
$protocol = "https://";
$protocol = "http://";
if (substr($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"], 0, 4) != "www.") {
header("Location: ".$protocol."www.".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
return array(
'base_url' => $protocol . "www.luxurybeach.com/admin/",
'base_href' => $protocol . "www.luxurybeach.com/",
'appname' => "Luxury",
'GD' => extension_loaded('gd') || function_exists('gd_info'),
'manifestRealName' => "js/FAQ-file-manifest.json",
'manifestName' => "front/JSONmanifest",
'storageName' => "LuxuryBeach_ManagedStore",
'update_center_url' => 'http://dev/sergey.ostapenko/updatecenter/checker/index.php',
'tablePrefix' => ''
function __getDBConfig() {
return array(
'hostname' => "localhost",
'username' => "luxury",
'password' => "plzleavemealone",
'database' => "luxury",
//'database' => "faq",
'dbdriver' => "mysql",
'dbprefix' => "",
'active_r' => TRUE,
'pconnect' => FALSE,
'db_debug' => TRUE,
'cache_on' => FALSE,
'cachedir' => ""