I am so close to getting what I want. I have converted a number of pdf files to text. I then renamed the files with php extension so that I can include the contents above the form that selects the files. It all works except php is reporting it cannot find the file. If I manually copy the missing file name and post it in the browser, the file comes up. Here is the error
Warning : file_get_contents( 4580_govincompetence.php ): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/funkandg/!sites/mike/combolisk.org/www/mikedocs/anna/offline/0108anna.php on line 14
End of 4580_govincompetence.php
Here is the code;
//retrieve playlist from checkboxes this is code to display index of anna blog posts
echo "anna.php version 1.08 <br>";
if (isset($_POST['submit'])){
echo "submit set";
echo "looking for checked contents";
if(!empty($_POST['check'])) {
foreach($_POST['check'] as $fname) {
echo "<br>" . $fname . "<br>";
echo file_get_contents($fname) . "<br> End of $fname <br>";
// **************** build filename and checkbox content
echo "Thank you. Use the button above the text to listen";
echo "<style> th, td { border: 1px solid black; } </style>";
echo "<h1>Select all the articles you would like to review or listen to</h1>";
echo "<p>Please select the checkboxes for articles you want displayed. Continue to the text and use the audio button to listen.</p>";
echo '<form action = # method = "post">';
echo '<button type = "submit" name = "submit">Load</button>';
echo '<table style="width:100%">';
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th>Check</th>";
echo "<th>#</th>";
echo "<th>Date</th>";
echo "<th>Title</th>";
echo "</tr>";
if (($handle=fopen ($findex, "r")) !==FALSE){
while(($line = fgetcsv($handle)) !== FALSE) {
list($totstring, $totlen, $period, $http, $lenanna, $lentitle, $post, $title, $fnamelen, $old,$fnameless, $bat, $pdate) = $line;
$new=$post . "_". $fnameless . ".php"; // this adds the post number to the beginning of the file name. see renamewithpost.php
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td><input type = \"checkbox\" name = \"check[]\" value = \" $new \"> $new </td>";
echo "<td>$post</td>";
echo "<td>$pdate</td>";
echo "<td>$title</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
//end loop for checkbox rows
// hidden box for security
echo '<input type = "text" name="hidden" placeholder = "not used">';
echo "</form>";