I have a database that collects data for researchers and I need to allow them to download the data they want easily into a .csv file. Here is my code that will use the select … into outfile … command.
//Grab Air Temperature Data
if($colname_Data2 == 100)
mysql_select_db($database_ODM, $ODM);
sprintf("SELECT DataValue, LocalDateTime, VariableID INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/Bing.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ';' LINES TERMINATED BY '/n' FROM DataValues WHERE SiteID = %s AND (VariableID = 12 OR VariableID = 11 OR VariableID = 13) AND LocalDateTime >= DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL %s);", GetSQLValueString($colname_Data1, "int"), $QueryLimit);
I can not figure out why the file is not created. Bing.csv is a place holder and I will eventually let them name the file they want. Bing.csv does not exist on the server so there is not failure from multiple files. If I do this while logged into MYSQL the file is created and I can look at it. Please help???