I recently began teaching myself PHP to make my web site easier to maintain. I have installed Apache 2.2, PHP 5, and MySQL 5.5 on a WinXP Sp3 box. I followed the recommended configurations for each server and verified my settings against several ‘how to’ posts found from Google searches because truth be told I wouldn’t know right from left. My issue is that I am trying to use the error reporting and logging in PHP and/or Apache to help me debug my code (this is of course based on the assumption that if the actual result and the desired result dont match I probably did something wrong) however I cannot coerce PHP to either display the errors or put them into a log file anywhere ( I have searched Windows, Apache, PHP, and “/error_log/log_file.txt” which I created). I am also assuming that if I run a piece of code once and get a page of result like cool background and a table of pictures then change something in the parent code and on the next page refresh get a blank white page at least one error has occured and should be recorded somewhere.
Here are my current PHP error settings :
error_reporting = E_ALL & E_STRICT
display_errors = “stdout”
display_errors = On
display_startup_errors = On
log_errors =On
log_errors_max_len = 1024 (default)
ignore_repeated_errors = Off (default)
ignore_repeated_source = Off (default)
report_memleaks = On (default)
;report_zend_debug = 0 (default)
track_errors = Off (default)
;xmlrpc_error_number = 0 (default)
html_errors = On
docref_root = “/phpmanual/” (default)
docref_ext = .html (default)
;error_prepend_string = “” (default)
;error_append_string = “” (default)
error_log = /htdocs/error_log
; Log errors to syslog (Event Log on NT, not valid in Windows 95).
error_log = Off (default)
Any pointers or redirects would be welcome. Thank you in advance for your assistance.