error message: "#1062 - Duplicate entry '1' for key 1"

Hi everyone
So I wanted to add a ‘phone number’ column in my inbox page
I went to MySQL database and phpMyadmin to make some changes, what I did was go to the table and

click on change (the pencil icon)

then I go to insert new row and click go

and it generate error message: “#1062 - Duplicate entry ‘1’ for key 1”
and id_member column appear in the table

then I delete the the id_member column but it generated error when I tried to send the message

and I tried to make some changes but it messes up even more, now everytime I click on send message or kirim pesan (in my language) the data goes to the database but it nothing appear on my inbox

This is my send message box:

this is the php coding:

$s=“select * from inbox where tgl like ‘$fulldate’ and alamat_ip like ‘$ip’”;


$s="INSERT INTO `inbox` (

id ,
dari ,
subjek ,
pesan ,
id_member ,
tgl ,
desc ,
NULL , ‘$dari’, ‘$subjek’, ‘$pesan’, ‘$fulldate’, ‘id_member’, ‘-’, ‘$ip’

echo "<center><br><b>Data pesan Anda telah terkirim ke member tersebut ! </b></center>";



&kirim=ya method=post>

Kirimkan Pesan ke Pemasang Iklan
Nama Anda
Pesan Anda

<?php } ?>[/code]

echo “
Maaf untuk mengakses halaman ini silahkan <a href=?page=login>login jika Anda sudah memiliki akun, jika Anda belum memiliki akun, silahkan <a href=?page=register>register”;




  Kotak Pesan

<?php if($aksi=="delete") { $s="select * from `inbox` where `id` like '$id'"; $anton->kueridb($s); $r=mysql_fetch_row($hasil); $id_member=$r[5]; if($id_member==$rid) { $s="delete from `inbox` where `id` like '$id'"; $anton->kueridb($s); } } $s="select * from `inbox` where `id_member` like '$rid'"; $anton->kueridb($s); echo " "; while($r=mysql_fetch_row($hasil)) { echo " "; } echo "
Tanggal Pengirim Subjek Pesan Hapus
$r[4] $r[1] $r[2] $r[3] Hapus

"; } ?>


everything starting to get mess up after I did “set as new row” which gave me an error message: “#1062 - Duplicate entry ‘1’ for key 1” what does it mean?

and then a new column (id_member)appears on the table, which I then deleted it, but it gave me an error message on the inbox about missing id_member field, so I have to add it back tot the table (it wasn’t there before).

Before the table has no “id_member” column but after I “set as new row” and get “#1062 - Duplicate entry ‘1’ for key 1"” I have to add the id_member column to the table or the inbox give me error message about missing id_member filed

sorry for asking too much, cause I’m very new to this, I didn’t create the website, so I have no idea about the coding, etc. just wanted to add 1 column.

How do the “id_member” colum get added to the table? and since I delete it soon after, I have no idea about its configuration (INT, or TEXT, etc.) but since the inbox page keep asking me to add “id_member” ever since so I have to add it to the table.

I did deleted the “id_member” from php code, because I thought it was added by the database accidently, but then I put the “id_member” back to the code since otherwise the inbox page give me error message

Sorry for my english, and long post but I try to explain it as clear as possible.


check your other attributes for the id column…if it is primery key…u dont need to specify wil auto increment.set it to not null…and dnt write anything in default attribute…

sry if I don’t completely understand your instruction, ok so I made the id column as primery key by clicking on the primery (key) icon, but there’s nothing show on the table that shows it was set as primery.

the other thing is that why all data sent to the Mysql table but nothing show up on inbox page

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