Duplicated mysql results on a dynamic php table

Hello everyone.

I’m having this issue, I get duplicated columns when I try to display the results from a mysql table using pdo_mysql.

Here’s the code:


<?php $user = "******"; $pass = "*******************"; $dbh = new PDO('mysql:host=***.***.***.***;dbname=*****', $user, $pass); ?> <?php foreach($dbh->query('SELECT * FROM romx_gmitemlog') as $row) { echo ''; foreach ($row as $col) { echo ''; } echo ''; }


column1 column2 column3 column4 column5 column6
'; echo $col; echo '


I’m getting something like this.

I’ve been struggling with this for hours, googled a lot and found nothing yet. I’d so much appreciate any help!

I am not familiar with pdo_mysql, but you can try to debug this code. On the first iteration of outer foreach loop try to add this to see if problem is with query result:
echo ‘

echo ‘

Also, I would change code to eliminate query from foreach statement, like this:
$r = $dbh->query(‘SELECT * FROM romx_gmitemlog’);
foreach($r as $row) {

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