I am displaying two icons but they are showing one on top of the other. I would like to display them inline but I cannot figure out how. I tried replacing all the
<?php if (!empty($silverBox)):?>
<?php echo '<img src=http://www.bigcityshare.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/FIC-Silver-3-snip.jpg border=1px solid red width=115px height=115px/></p>'?>
<?php endif;?>
$goldBox = Sabai::h($entity->getSingleFieldValue('field_fipgold'));?>
<?php if (!empty($goldBox)):?>
<?php echo '<img src=http://www.bigcityshare.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/FIC-Gold-3-snip.jpg border=1px solid red width=115px height=115px/></p>'?>
<?php endif;?>