Difference between numbers and letters

Hello, In a database I put a kind of code(column1) and a category(column2). When the query is
select * where column1 and column2 = ‘white’
I recieve as answer the records where a code excists in column1 wich are matching with white.
Odd is that it shows only codes wich starts with 0-9 and not starts with A-Z although they are white too.
How can I avoid this?


if you want to select something from columm1 and from a specific category(columm2)

then the query should be
$query = “SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE columm1 like ‘white’ AND columm2 = ‘categoryID’”;

yeah I know.

I just assumed to be CategoryID but its columm2 and whatever name or property he assigned to that

I’m sorry, it must be
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column1 AND column2 is ‘white’
data in column1 shows up when it starts with a number, not when it starts with a letter.

im not sure if i understand what you want to do.

if you want to select value that starts with a number from a column:
$query = "SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name REGEXP ‘^[0-9]’;

just make it more complex according to your need. using AND or OR in your sql.

Look, in column1 contains number/letter combinations like 477FFE or 3542PO or it is empty,
column2 contains a category f.i. category white or red or black.
With the query
SELECT * FROM table_name where column1 AND column2 = ‘white’
wil show all records where column1 has a value belonging to category white
only when they start with combinations like mentioned above, starting with numbers
Not combinations like AC26756 or DG6722, starting with letters.

Or another example: simple database with one column called Code. It has 5 records withe letter/number combinations f.i
Query SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE Code
shows the first three not the last two because they are beginning with a letter

it should show them all. In your database settings check the format of that column. It should be varchar if you want to use it like that.

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