I have a php form with which I can enter the signs up the database and I can also see the records that I have entered.
Now I would like to delete the records, as for that was following this tutorial: http://www.webestilo.com/php/php07e.phtml
Well, after changing a few linia have adopted the code to my form and my database, I get a column to delete a row, but when I click on it nothing happens.
Here I pass the screenshot of my page:
This is my code:
ISBN: Títol: Autor: Editorial: Gènere: Edició: Llengua: Sinposi: Pàgines: Any:<?php include("connexio.php"); $link=Conectarse(); $result=mysql_query("select * from llibres",$link); ?>
ISBN | Títol | Autor | Editorial | Gènere | Edició | Llengua | Sinopsi | Pàgines | Any | Borra  |
<?php include("connexio.php"); $link=Conectarse(); $id=$_GET['id']; mysql_query("delete from llibres where ID_Prueba = $id",$link); header("Location: index.php"); ?>If anyone knows how to resolve this problem please say it to me