Could someone please help?

i have tried to use everythimg and import everything till now but in migration table of my users the hasOne function is not defined. i tried it in APP\model and it worked and the auto complete shows it… in migration tables it wont let me use it why?

You will get a better response of people helping you → if you have the code inserted here </>.

    public function showAdminNavigation(): void
        $protocol = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off' ? 'https://' : 'http://';
        $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];

        // Define your base path here
        $base_path = ($host === 'localhost:8888') ? '/innsoltech' : '';

        $base_url = $protocol . $host . $base_path;

        $adminItems = [
            'Create Entry' => $base_url . '/create_cms.php',
            'Edit Entry' => $base_url . '/edit_cms.php',
            'Add Product' => $base_url . '/new_portfolio.php',
            'Edit Product' => $base_url . '/product_edit.php'

        echo '<div class="admin-navigation">';
        foreach ($adminItems as $adminTitle => $adminPath) {
            $adminSafeTitle = htmlspecialchars($adminTitle, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
            echo "<a href=\"{$adminPath}\">{$adminSafeTitle}</a>";
        echo '</div>';
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