Converting array elements to a key-value pair

I have been given an array which is holding a series of strings. I have been tasked with converting this array of strings into an associative array with key-value pairs with simple code. So far, I have managed to split the strings into their own elements using the array_chunk function so that they’re in their own arrays, and my goal is to convert the elements in their own arrays into key-value pairs. However, given my very little amount of experience when it comes to PHP i’m not sure how I can go about doing this. Any help or advice is much appreciated!

> <?php
> $arr = array(
>     "action: Added; quantity: 1; item_code: RNA1; product_name: Mens Organic T-shirt; colour: White; size: XL",
>     "action: Subtracted; quantity: 7; item_code: RNC1; product_name: Kids Basic T-shirt; colour: Denim Blue; size: 3-4y",
>     "action: Added; quantity: 20; item_code: RNV1; product_name: Gift Voucher; style: Mens; value: £20",
> );
> // Using json_encode for square brakets; makes for easier formatting.
> json_encode($arr);
> // Split the array into strings.
> $imploded = implode("; ", $arr);
> //echo $imploded;
> // Seperate the strings by the ";" character.
> $exploded = explode("; ",$imploded);
> // This gives me the keys and pairs in the same index.
> //print_r($exploded);
> // Split the array for every 6 elements.
> $chunked = array_chunk($exploded,6,true);
> print_r($chunked);

This is what I want the arrays to look like:

	'action' 	=>	 '',
	'quantity' 	=>	 '',
	'item_code' 	=>	 '',
	'product_name' 	=>	 '',
	'colour' 	=>	 '',
	'size' 		=>	 '',

However, this is how the arrays currently look.

> Array
> (
>     [0] => Array
>         (
>             [0] => action: Added
>             [1] => quantity: 1
>             [2] => item_code: RNA1
>             [3] => product_name: Mens Organic T-shirt
>             [4] => colour: White
>             [5] => size: XL
>         )
>     [1] => Array
>         (
>             [6] => action: Subtracted
>             [7] => quantity: 7
>             [8] => item_code: RNC1
>             [9] => product_name: Kids Basic T-shirt
>             [10] => colour: Denim Blue
>             [11] => size: 3-4y
>         )
>     [2] => Array
>         (
>             [12] => action: Added
>             [13] => quantity: 20
>             [14] => item_code: RNV1
>             [15] => product_name: Gift Voucher
>             [16] => style: Mens
>             [17] => value: £20
>         )
> )

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Edited the original post appropriately. Thanks!

I don’t think you understood my post. What is this for? Is it some sort of shopping cart?

The purpose of this script is just as a “proof of concept” for an algorithm that can take strings inside of an array and convert them into an associative array - this could be implemented into other applications, for instance, as you said a shopping cart! :slight_smile:

You have an array of arrays. The output you get is correct. If you structured your array “properly” you wouldn’t have to do code gymnastics to get the output.

$arr = [
      'action' => 'Added'
    , 'quantity' => '1'
    , 'item_code' => 'RNA1'
    , 'product_name' => 'Mens Organic T-shirt'
    , 'colour' => 'White'
    , 'size' => 'XL'

      'action' => 'Added'
    , 'quantity' => '1'
    , 'item_code' => 'RNA1'
    , 'product_name' => 'Mens Organic T-shirt'
    , 'colour' => 'White'
    , 'size' => 'XL'




    [0] => Array
            [action] => Added
            [quantity] => 1
            [item_code] => RNA1
            [product_name] => Mens Organic T-shirt
            [colour] => White
            [size] => XL

    [1] => Array
            [action] => Added
            [quantity] => 1
            [item_code] => RNA1
            [product_name] => Mens Organic T-shirt
            [colour] => White
            [size] => XL

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