Hi guys,
for days now I have been trying to compile PHP 5.6.4 as FastCGI on a VPS with Ubuntu 12.04 (32bit) and I am stuck with a very odd error message which I don’t understand and Google wasn’t very helpful either (unlike with all the other errors I encountered)
So I hope I can get some more information from you guys.
The premises:
I’ve got an Ubuntu 12.04 32bit VPS with an old 5.3 PHP, however some forums and boards need a more up-to-date PHP version. As Plesk is running on that server, I cannot update PHP and have to run an additional PHP as FastCGI.
I managed to get it to work on my first VPS which is a CentOS 6.6 64bit server. But this Ubuntu-VPS is really killing me.
On CentOS i followed these steps provided by Parallel themselves:
Now I have to tell you that I basically know nothing about Linux and am far away of being even considered a beginner. However this kb worked out like charm.
With Ubuntu this however is getting more and more complicated. I got the source from PHP.net directly, installed it on my virtual machine and ./configure’ed and make’ed it. This was complicated enough, but I got it to work without any problems eventually.
I then send this package to my VPS and unpacked it and said make install. And that’s where I stuck with this fancy error message which I cannot decipher at all and I hope you can help me with that:
[code]xxxx@xxxxx:/usr/local/src/php564# make install
Generating phar.phar
Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /usr/local/src/php564/ext/phar/phar.php on line 165
Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to CLICommand::getCommands() must be an instance of CLICommand, instance of stdClass given, called in /usr/local/src/php564/ext/phar/phar.php on line 167 and defined in /usr/local/src/php564/ext/phar/phar.php on line 274
make: *** [ext/phar/phar.phar] Error 255
As said, I had no issue whatsoever with my CentOS VPS and Parallels guide is simple enough to follow it through. I managed to figure out when packages were missing that they had to be installed - Google helped me with that a lot.
But this message is just gibberish and google wouldn’t find any message that would help me deciphering what it meant. Obviously phar is installed, the folder exists, files are in there.
Any ideas?
Thank you,