Checkbox onchange

I want to create three checkbox say [] item1, []item2, []item3,
when I press checkbox for item1 the checkbox should stay checked and a input for data opens which when fed in calculates data, If I uncheck the data should disappear.
when I am using input type=submit, the code runs, but I want to do same using onchange or onclick and not have to use submit.
Guidance and help please and if possible a example,

Youā€™ll need front end code thenā€¦ like JS or jQuery.

This part isnt clear to me:

  • which when fed in calculates data,

More or lessā€¦

you will output/create your page (your HTML markup).

Then add your jQuery code to have listeners check when any of the 3 checkboxes has a ā€˜changeā€™

You then detect this ā€˜changeā€™ā€¦ and then display the hidden input field(s) based on the checkbox change

Whats gets put into the input fieldā€¦ is up to you (not clear)ā€¦

Also what type of event(s) you want to trigger the: ā€œcalculate this input dataā€ action.

Please find enclosed code

<form action ='' method='GET'>
<input  type= 'checkbox' id='instal' name='instal' onchange='this.form.submit()'
<?php  if(isset($_GET['instal'])) { echo 'checked'; } ?>>Install & Comm: 
<input  type= 'checkbox' id='delivery' name='delivery' onchange='this.form.submit()'
<?php  if(isset($_GET['delivery'])) { echo 'checked'; } ?>>Delivery: 
<input  type= 'checkbox' id='discount' name='discount' onchange='this.form.submit()'
<?php  if(isset($_GET['discount'])) { echo 'checked'; } ?>>Discount: 
if(isset($_GET['instal'])) {
echo 'Install & Comm';
echo "<form name= 'instal' action ='' method='GET'>";
echo "<input type='decimal'  name='total' size='10' >";
echo "<input type='decimal'  name='ins_gst' size='2' value='' >";
echo "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit' >";
echo "</form>";
echo $total;
// Update to mysql ....
} else {
// Update to mysql ....
if(isset($_GET['delivery'])) {
  echo ' Delivery Charges ';
  echo "<form name= 'instal' action ='' method='GET'>";
  echo "<input type='decimal'  name='total' size='10' >";
  echo "<input type='decimal'  name='ins_gst' size='2' value='' >";
  echo "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit' >";
  echo "</form>";
  echo $total;
  // Update to mysql.....
  } else {
  // Update to mysql ....
  if(isset($_GET['discount'])) {
    echo 'Discount Percentage';
    echo "<form name= 'instal' action ='' method='GET'>";
        echo "<input type='decimal'  name='ins_gst' size='2' value='' >";
    echo "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit' >";
    echo "</form>";
    echo $total;
    } else {
    // Update to mysql ....
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