Hi all. Thanks in advance. I am having some trouble setting a third level in my catalog.
[php]while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
if($row[‘nosubs’] == 1)
$nosubs = ‘-00’;
$nosubs = ‘’;
if($row['id'] == $currpage[0] && (!isset($currpage[1]) || $currpage[1] == '00'))
$class = 'catalog_btn catalog_active';
$class = 'catalog_btn catalog_sub1';
$bb .= '<li><span class="'.$class.'"><a href="wallcovering-catalog2Test.php?nav=' . $row['id'] . $nosubs . '">' . $row['name'] . '</a></span></li>';
if($row['id'] == $currpage[0])
if($CAPP == true && $access != true)
$subs = mysql_query("SELECT name, id, icon, subofsub, nosubs, sub_of FROM directoryTest WHERE sub = '$page' AND published = '1' AND catalog='$catalog' ORDER BY sort_order,id");
$subs = mysql_query("SELECT name, id, icon, subofsub, nosubs, sub_of FROM directoryTest WHERE sub = '$page' AND catalog='$catalog' ORDER BY sort_order,id");
while($subcats = mysql_fetch_assoc($subs))
if($subcats['id'] == $currpage[1])
$class = 'catalog_btn catalog_active';
$class = 'catalog_btn catalog_sub2';
$bb .= '<li><span class="'.$class.'"><a href="wallcovering-catalog2Test.php?nav=' . $page . '-' . $subcats['id'] . '">' . $subcats['name'] . '</a></span></li>';
if($row['nosubs'] = 2)
if($CAPP == true && $access != true)
$subs = mysql_query("SELECT name, id, icon, subofsub, nosubs, sub_of FROM directoryTest WHERE sub = '$page' AND published = '1' AND catalog='$catalog' ORDER BY sort_order,id");
$subs = mysql_query("SELECT name, id, icon, subofsub, nosubs, sub_of FROM directoryTest WHERE sub = '$page' AND catalog='$catalog' ORDER BY sort_order,id");
while($subcats = mysql_fetch_assoc($subs))
if($subcats['id'] == $currpage[1])
$class = 'catalog_btn catalog_active';
$class = 'catalog_btn catalog_sub3';
$bb .= '<li><span class="'.$class.'"><a href="wallcovering-catalog2Test.php?nav=' . $page . '-' . $subcats['sub_of'] . $nosubs . '">' . $subcats['name'] . '</a></span></li>';
echo $page . ‘-’ . $subcats[‘id’] . ‘-’ . $page2;
}} }}
So basically. The first level displays icons and a nav list on the side. when you select an icon you are presented with sublevel of that selection. but when i try to add a third level, all of the info/icons gets set to the second level and i cant get past that. Any help would be much appreciated.