Trying to make my scheduleUpdate fire when the button is pushed but when I try to move it …the modules won’t load…
Suggestions? Here is what I have right now… I thought I could just put my this.scheduleUpdate(); right before the addEventListener like this:
button.addEventListener("click", () => scheduleUpdate(this), showFMI(this)); //Show description on click
But when I do that the module won’t load
var button = document.createElement("button");
button.innerHTML = "Find my device";
var title = document.createElement("div");
button.className = "button";
button.addEventListener("click", () => showFMI(this)); //Show description on click
//below is the function to show description and hide title
function showFMI(FMI) {
thisFMI.intpause(); //clear interval"none";
var readTimer = setTimeout(function() {hideFMI()}, thisFMI.config.readInterval); //sets timeout for the info
description = document.createElement("div");
description.className = "info";
description.innerHTML = "Your phone is here: "+fmi.Location + " and now I'm Beeping your device[s]";
description.addEventListener("click", () => hideFMI(thisFMI)); //Hide description on click
description.addEventListener("click", () => clearTimeout(readTimer));