You obviously have put a lot of work into this project and know what your doing on an advanced level so pat yourself on the back. (I pretty much never say that about anything on this forum)
Ataboy’s aside, the critique…
PHPCG is suitable for both non-programmers and advanced PHP programmers
On quick review, it’s complicated. The documentation and the code generator interface. Your customers are most likely to be non-programmers or noob level. It is well suited for an advanced programmer but even still, there is a lot to soak in. Also, an advanced programmer is likely to have written their own crud generator. Framework users (Laravel, Symfony, etc) would have no need for this.
The outputted Admin Panel looks good with several features beyond a standard panel. Good job!
Here is a great example of a CRUD generator that is so simple it doesnt need documentation. This is what I would recommend to noobs and non-coders.
PHP 5.5+ with mb_string
extension enabled
Php 5.x anything has already reached end of life. I would suggest forking your project and creating a version that REQUIRES 7.3.x or greater.
The Code:
You only gave one class example so I will have to go with that. On the plus side, the code is clean and well formatted. The critique, you are creating god classes, meaning, the class does too much. To describe what the class does you would have to say “It does A and B and C, and D, and E…”. I would suggest implementing the SOLID Principles.
If you really want an in-depth analysis/review PM me a download link to the application.
ADMIN FYI: OP, We generally don’t allow links to products for sale on this forum, especially for a first post, but I feel you are genuinely interested in feedback and are not spamming the board so I left your post as is.