does anyone here do this? it is huge for compliance purposes in the corporate world. but let me give an example. in excel, for instance, if I want to know what an array would output before I run the code and do damage because I’ve coded too long during any given day, I would write this:
function test_array_out_first()
dim a() as string
dim start as long
dim finish as long
dim counter as long
dim r as range
dim s as string
dim sIn as string
dim sOut as string
dim sTemp as string
const spaceDbl as string = " "
const space as string = " "
set r = range("a1")
s = r
a() = split(s, " ")
finish = ubound(a)
start = 0
for counter = start to finish
sIn = a(counter)
sTemp = replace(sIn, space spaceDbl)
sOut = sOut & sTemp
next counter
debug.print sOut
set r = nothing
end function
then, if that goes fine and I see what I want, I would change it to this (ending only):
for counter = start to finish
sIn = a(counter)
sTemp = replace(sIn, space spaceDbl)
sOut = sOut & sTemp
next counter
so my question for people here is, can more sophisticated dev tools do this same thing in this same very simplistic manner? I have an issue with over-complication that comes from corporate devs who know too much. My life is very simple and I try to make things as simple as possible. I don’t live in a big city ghetto or corporate big tech tower. that’s why. =) thanks!
this is sort of a follow up to this thread by me: Best "navigatable" IDE you know of