Assign dynamic select values to respective dynamic textbox

Hello guys, i have the following script which adds new rows dynamically on clicking button with id of ‘add_row_btn’. Every row added has select option which fetches information from mysql and loads them in the option values.
My problem comes in the part of the script which i have commented out. Every option selected should display its value to its next respective textbox.
Note that the every row added, has a different class name to the previous with the addition of an increment variable (i) at the end.
Any assistance is welcome. Thanks.

var i=1;

"+ (i+1) +" <?php $order_qry = $conn->prepare('select kit_menu_key, kit_menu_name from kitchen_menu order by kit_menu_name'); $order_qry->execute(); $order_q = $order_qry->fetchAll(); ?> –select– <?php foreach($order_q as $row){?> <option value=’<?php echo $row['kit_menu_key']; ?>’><?php echo $row['kit_menu_key']; ?> <?php } ?>");
     /* Problem here



Here is the html table and the add row button


                                    <tr class="success text-primary">
                                        <th>Order Name</th>
                                        <th>Plates No</th>
                                        <th>Total Cost</th>
<tr id='addr0'>
        <select class='form-control ui_order_name_signal' name='input_order_name[]' id='input_order_name' required>
            $order_qry = $conn->prepare('select kit_menu_key, kit_menu_name from kitchen_menu order by kit_menu_name');
            $order_q = $order_qry->fetchAll();
            <option selected disabled>--select--</option>
            <?php foreach($order_q as $row){?>
            <option value='<?php echo $row['kit_menu_key']; ?>'><?php echo $row['kit_menu_name']; ?></option>
            <?php } ?>
        <input type='text' class='form-control ui_price_signal' name='input_order_name_price' id='input_order_name_price' placeholder='enter price' required>
        <input type='text' class='form-control input_order_name_plates_class' name='input_order_name_plates' id='input_order_name_plates' placeholder='enter number of plates' required>
        <input type='text' class='form-control data-total-cost' name='input_order_name_tcost' id='input_order_name_tcost' placeholder='total cost' required>            
<tr id='addr1'>


Add Another Order[/php]

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