Array Error (With complete code)

I was told to post the whole code, so I did, here it is.

So yeah, basically the array from earlier seems to be working wrong. Help?

/*.sexy{ background-color:d9d9d9; border:1px d9d9d9 solid; cursor:pointer; } .sexy:hover{ border:1px darkblue solid; }*/ #smiles,#limit{ //background-color:#222; //border-radius:7; } .send{ color:ffffff; background:url('styles/buttonbacker.png'); height:23; width:80; } .ooo{ border-radius:5; border:none; background-color:#222; opacity:0.9; } #main{ /*filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(StartColorStr='#dddddd', EndColorStr='#222222', GradientType=0); background: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top, left bottom, from(#dddddd), to(#222222)); background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #ddd, #222); border-radius:15;*/ border:thin; background:url('styles/shoutboxbacking.png'); width:951; height:330; padding:7; } #BBurl{ background-color:dedede; display:none; position:absolute; height:50px; width:200; } #posts{ width:953; height:270; overflow-y:auto; } <?php function post(){ $n = $_REQUEST["sig"]; $input = $_REQUEST["input"]; $d = date("h:i A"); $nm = "

[". $d. "] » ". htmlcheck($n). ": ". codes($input). "


$nm = " ";
$file = “info.php”;
$data = fopen($file, ‘a+’);
fwrite($data, $nm);
function codes($ext){
$input = $_REQUEST[“input”];
$smile = array(
‘:)’ => ‘’,
‘;]’ => ‘’,
‘:|’ => ‘’,
‘:mrgreen:’ => ‘’,
‘:razz:’ => ‘’,
‘:?’ => ‘’,
‘>:[’ => ‘’,
‘:(’ => ‘’,
‘:O’ => ‘’,
‘:panic:’ => ‘’,
‘:eek:’ => ‘’,
‘:rolleyes:’ => ‘’,
:cry:’ => ‘’,
‘:[’ => ‘’,
‘:biggrin:’ => ‘’,
‘:uhh:’ => ‘’,
‘:tup:’ => ‘’,
‘8D’ => ‘’,
‘:suspect:’ => ‘’,
‘:fuming’ => ‘’,
‘:pennies:’ => ‘’,

'<' => '&lt;',
'>' => '&gt;',
'&' => '&amp;',
'http://' => '<a target="_blank" href="'. $input. '. "'. '>'. $input. '</a>',

return (strtr($ext, $smile));

function htmlcheck($ext){
$code = array(
‘<’ => ‘<’,
‘>’ => ‘>’,
‘&’ => ‘&’
return (strtr($ext, $code));


<?php post(); include('info.php'); ?>

:razz: :mrgreen: :| ;] :) 8D :biggrin: :/ >:[ :( :O :eek: :rolleyes: :cry: :[ :uhh: :tup: :panic: :suspect: :pennies: [url]
 Message: Send
 No more than 3 smiles per post. 
" name="sig" />
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