array causing blank page

Not sure what Im doing wrong here.

BUT this snippet here is causing my page to show up blank white.

//Get all group submisions $sgroups = $db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM group_report ORDER BY greport_id ASC"); //roll the above into an array indexed by greport_id while(list($greport_id, $group_stime, $group_etime, $group_date, $group_loc, $group_mem1, $group_mem2, $group_mem3, $group_mem4, $group_mem5, $group_mem6, $submit_date) = sql_fetch_row($sgroups)) { $sgroups_array[$greport_id[] = array($greport_id, $group_stime, $group_etime, $group_date, $group_loc, $group_mem1, $group_mem2, $group_mem3, $group_mem4, $group_mem5, $group_mem6, $submit_date); }

if I comment out

$sgroups_array[$greport_id[] = array($greport_id, $group_stime, $group_etime, $group_date, $group_loc, $group_mem1, $group_mem2, $group_mem3, $group_mem4, $group_mem5, $group_mem6, $submit_date);

The page will at least load, but with no data as its missing the array.

Why use list() and array()? They both have the same variables in the same order:

[php] //Get all group submisions
$sgroups = $db->sql_query(“SELECT * FROM group_report ORDER BY greport_id ASC”);
//roll the above into an array indexed by greport_id
while(list($greport_id, $group_stime, $group_etime, $group_date, $group_loc, $group_mem1, $group_mem2, $group_mem3, $group_mem4, $group_mem5, $group_mem6, $submit_date) = sql_fetch_row($sgroups)) {
$sgroups_array[$greport_id[] = array($greport_id, $group_stime, $group_etime, $group_date, $group_loc, $group_mem1, $group_mem2, $group_mem3, $group_mem4, $group_mem5, $group_mem6, $submit_date);


[php] //Get all group submisions
$sgroups = $db->sql_query(“SELECT * FROM group_report ORDER BY greport_id ASC”);

//roll the above into an array indexed by greport_id
while($mygroupreport = sql_fetch_row($sgroups)) {
	$sgroups_array[$greport_id[] = $mygroupreport;

Now the code is a lot more readable, and the problem shows itself (to me, that is): $sgroups_array[$greport_id[] should be $sgroups_array[$greport_id]. I’ll leave it up to you to figure out why ;) It wouldn’t be fun if you didn’t learn anything, now would it?

Also, I don’t think sql_fetch_row() is gonna do the trick for you (unless you’ve defined it yourself).

Thats the error!


should have been


to give the full code of
which also explains my use of list() and array()

if (!eregi(“modules.php”, $_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’])) {
die (“You can’t access this file directly…”);

$module_name = basename(dirname(FILE));
$index = 1; //show right blocks

function viewgroupsubmit() {
global $module_name, $db;

//Get all group submisions
$sgroups = $db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM group_report ORDER BY greport_id ASC");
//roll the above into an array indexed by greport_id
while(list($greport_id, $group_stime, $group_etime, $group_date, $group_loc, $group_mem1, $group_mem2, $group_mem3, $group_mem4, $group_mem5, $group_mem6, $submit_date) = sql_fetch_row($sgroups)) {
	$sgroups_array[$greport_id][] = array($greport_id, $group_stime, $group_etime, $group_date, $group_loc, $group_mem1, $group_mem2, $group_mem3, $group_mem4, $group_mem5, $group_mem6, $submit_date);

title("Grouping Submissions");	

$is_empty = 1;

foreach ($sgroups_array as $value) {//cycle through all members
if ($value[0][0] != “”) {
$is_empty = 0;
echo "

Start Time End Time Date Location Sumbit Date
{$value[0][1]} {$value[0][2]} {$value[0][3]} {$value[0][4]} {$value[0][11]}
Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4 Member 5 Member 6
{$value[0][5]} {$value[0][6]} {$value[0][7]} {$value[0][8]} {$value[0][9]} {$value[0][10]}


if ($is_empty) {
echo “

There are pending group posts.”;


switch($op) {
// case “post”:
// recruitPost($greport_id));
// break;


Yes, but here’s what you’re doing:

1 sql_fetch_row() returns an array
2 you unravel the array into x number of values with list()
3 then you put these values back into an array with array()
4 then you put your (newly created) array into another array

Steps 2 and 3 pretty much cancel each other out :)

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