Hello Again.
I’ve recently tried to upgrade my server configuration to the latest I possibly could, and everything seems to be running ok until I try to use the login scripts I have.
“Call to undefined function mysql_connect() […]”
This usually points to something not configured correctly in the php.ini directory, but I have the extension_dir set to the correct location where the extensions are.
Here are some specifics:
Using Apache 2.4.2 (Zip Installation) from ApacheLounge.com
Using PHP 5.4.0 VC9 Threaded from php.net; Zip Installation;
PHP runs as a module using: php_5apache2.4.dll; From ApacheLounge.com, under the same page as the Apache2.4.2 zip.
MySQL shouldn’t be the problem here, it was installed using the MySQL installer for Windows.
#The Section of the httpd.config file that concerns PHP
# PHP Module
PHPIniDir "C:\HADELWEB\PHP 5.4.0\"
LoadModule php5_module "C:\HADELWEB\PHP 5.4.0\php5apache2_4.dll"
; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.
; http://php.net/extension-dir
; extension_dir = "./"
; On windows:
extension_dir = "C:\HADELWEB\PHP 5.4.0\ext"
#Note: Tried this without the aboslute directory as well, with just the file name of the .dll
extension=C:\HADELWEB\PHP 5.4.0\ext\php_mysql.dll