All of a sudden.. html form stops inserting to mysql.. no errors reported

Well, this form was originally working when I first made/tested it… However, I tried to submit data to it again after adding functionality to another aspect of this project (not on the same page) that needed tested, and the data is not submitted any longer . I’ve double, triple, and quadriple checked to make sure I got all the extra ','s and all that, and I cannot find it. I added ini_set(‘display_errors’, 1); error_reporting(E_ALL) to the page to see if there were any errors, NONE. I know that whoever figures out why it is working will find something small and minor, and I will feel like an idiot… But I cannot figure it out.

Here is the code

[code]<?php echo $clan_tag ; ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); ?> Recruitment: Apply to join

<div class="CntBox">
	<div class="CntHead">
		<div class="CntHeadInfo">Apply to become a member of <?php echo $clan_name; ?> </div>
	<div class="CntFill">
		<div class="CntInfo">
		  <div align="center">
		    <form id="apply" name="apply" method="post" action="">
		    <h1><?php echo $clan_tag; ?> Application</h1>
              <p>Thank you for expressing interest in joining <?php echo $clan_name; ?>!  We have a simple application form we'd like you to fill out in order for us to get to know the basics about you!  We wish you the best of luck in your application process -- we look forward to speaking with you soon! </p>
              <hr />
              <p align="center"><strong>Name</strong><br />
              <em>Please give your game handle, or name you will be using as a member of this clan.</em><br />
              <input type="text" name="name" id="name" />
              <p align="center"><strong>Informal Name</strong><br />
                <em>What other name can we call you.  This can be your first name, shortened version of your firstname, etc. (e.g. &quot;Bill&quot;)</em><br />
                <label for="i_name"></label>
                <input type="text" name="i_name" id="i_name" />

Registered Username
Please provide your username on the forums. Registering on the forums is a requirement to be a member of the clan.

Steam Username

Xfire Username

E-Mail Address
We may periodically send you an e-mail. Additionally, you will receive application status (if you are accepted or denied) to this e-mail. Please provide a legitimate e-mail address.

Games you play
Please list all games you play (especially games supported by <?php echo $clan_name; ?>).

You must be at least 15 years of age to join

Where are you from? Please provide a country and a region (e.g. USA: Eastern Coast). This helps us decide where to get servers, etc)

Do you have a microphone?
We use TeamSpeak 3 for a lot of our in-game experience. Do you have a microphone so that you too can be a part of this experience?
Please Answer Yes I do No, I do not. But I am willing to purchase one No, I do not. I am not willing to get one

Why do you want to join <?php echo $clan_tag; ?>?
Tell us about why you would like to join this clan? We are looking for serious individuals, so the more time and effort you put into this will help enhance your application.

Please tell us a little bit about your previous clan history.
Tell us your history. What clans have you been in? What time period did you spend in that clan? What is the reason you left/kicked out of that clan? What rank/responsibilities did you hold in that clan?

How did you find out about us?
Please Answer Recruited by a member Top 100 clans Search Engine (Google, Yahoo, etc) Other (please describe)

Who recruited you?
If you selected that someone recruited you above, please give that person's name. We pride community, so if a member of ours is responsible for bringing you here, we want to give them credit!

			if (isset($_POST['submit']))
				$application_id = substr(number_format(time() * rand(),0,'',''),0,6);
				include ("include.php");
				$timestamp = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
				$timestamp2 = $_POST['time'];					
				$site_username = $_POST['username'];
				$name = htmlspecialchars($_POST['name']);
				 $get_site_id = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM ws_Lw9_user WHERE username = '$site_username'", $webspell_link) or die(mysql_error());
				 while($get_s_id = mysql_fetch_array($get_site_id))

$site_id = $get_s_id[‘userID’];

				$app_application = mysql_query("INSERT INTO applications 

(id, site_id, timestamp, name, c_name, username, steam, xfire, email, games, why_join, age, location, microphone, recruit_style, clan_history, recruit, ip, notes) VALUES(’$application_id’, ‘$site_id’, ‘$timestamp’, ‘$_POST[name]’, ‘$_POST[i_name]’, ‘$_POST[username]’, ‘$_POST[steam]’, ‘$_POST[xfire]’, ‘$_POST[email]’, ‘$_POST[games]’, ‘$_POST[why_join]’, ‘$_POST[age]’, ‘$_POST[location]’, ‘$_POST[microphone]’, ‘$_POST[recruit_style]’, ‘$_POST[clan_history]’, ‘$_POST[recruit]’, ‘$_POST[userIP]’, ‘’) ", $recruit_link) or die(mysql_error());

if (isset($app_application)) { echo “good”; }

			elseif (!isset($app_application))
				echo "please submit";

	<div class="CntFooter"></div>

I will also note, the checks I have at the bottom, do not even apply after submitting. It doesn’t echo good (so the query is not set), nor “please submit” (so the query isn’t the opposite of being set, either )… “Please submit” only echoes before I submit – which I want it to do.

I should add, you will find a lot of variables that aren’t being used… That’s mostly due to something I tried to modify or otherwise fix, but was unsuccessful. Once this issue is fixed, these other variables will be added to.

Any help/suggestions?

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