Addressing the 'ChatGPT Cut and Paste' Accusation on

I am writing to address a concern that has recently arisen on your platform, It has come to my attention that some responses of mine within the community are being tagged as ‘ChatGPT cut and paste’ under the assumption that they lack originality or authenticity. I would like to respectfully present a different perspective on this matter.

Firstly, it is important to acknowledge the diversity of thought and expression that exists within any community. While artificial intelligence, like ChatGPT, has introduced new dynamics in online interactions, it is essential to recognize that human thought and logic are inherently varied and unique. This diversity is what enriches our discussions and problem-solving approaches. The assumption that a response mimicking a certain style or pattern must be the result of AI intervention can be an oversimplification of the complex nature of human intellect.

Moreover, tagging responses as ‘ChatGPT cut and paste’ based on a subjective interpretation of their content can be inadvertently dismissive of the genuine efforts of the contributors. It is crucial to consider that not everyone may express themselves in the same manner, and what might seem formulaic to one could be another’s genuine method of articulation.

In light of this, I urge a reconsideration of how you assess and label contributions on the platform. A more inclusive approach that appreciates the varied styles of expression and thought processes can foster a more nurturing environment for all members. It would also encourage learning and growth by exposing us to different perspectives and problem-solving methods.

Finally, while it is valuable to maintain the integrity and originality of content on, it is equally important to ensure that we do not inadvertently stifle the unique voices that make our community vibrant and diverse. I believe that by adopting a more open-minded and accepting approach, we can enhance our collective learning experience and foster a more inclusive community.

Thank you for considering my viewpoint on this matter. I look forward to a continued constructive and respectful dialogue within our community.

Good day to you all.

I use ChatGPT to help me code, but from vast experience it is just a tool as I have at times (a lot of times and it sometimes feels like I’m arguing with the AI :rofl: ) addressed it to the AI that the code that was given to me simply can’t work and point out the reason why it can’t. I like ChatGPT because it saves me time in writing repetitive code and has helped me tighten up my code considerably over the last 3 to 4 months. Heck, I have even learn new coding techniques from ChatGPT; whereas, human coders while willing to help you only go so far for free. They are either not that willing to help fully or don’t want to give away the whole enchilada as they want to keep some coding techniques to themselves. I believe it’s more of the later and I don’t blame them in a way.

As for helping people here I admit I will use ChatGPT to help with the code as I’m working on my own code as well, not that I want to have ChatGPT do it for me rather so I don’t have copy the code myself straighten or format the code to get a working script or a good start to the script. I will not give the script if I don’t know what the script is doing (though even that code helps me out), but majority of time I understand it. A lot of times I will just see what ChatGPT will spit out for my own curiosity.

Heck, ChatGP has help me convert a JavaScript photo gallery script that I have been working on to convert over to a class as I always wanted to use classes in JavaScript because I have gotten to used to writing classes in PHP. Here’s the class that I’m talking about →

'use strict';

class ProductManager {
    constructor() {
        // DOM Elements
        this.category = document.querySelector('#category');
        this.container = document.querySelector('.container');
        this.sidebar = document.querySelector('.sidebar_pages');
        this.lightbox = document.querySelector('.lightbox');

        // Pagination Configurations
        this.current_page = 1;
        this.per_page = 6;
        this.offset = 0;
        this.total_pages = 0;

        // Data fetched from the database
        this.database_data = {
            'category': 'images',
            'current_page': this.current_page,
            'per_page': this.per_page,
            'total_count': 0,
            'offset': this.offset
        this.pages = [{}];

        // Binding `this` context to methods
        this.categoryUISuccess = this.categoryUISuccess.bind(this);
        this.paginationUISuccess = this.paginationUISuccess.bind(this);
        this.resetLinks = this.resetLinks.bind(this);

    // Handle fetch errors
    handleErrors(response) {
        if (!response.ok) {
            throw (response.status + ' : ' + response.statusText);
        return response;

    // Update the UI upon successfully fetching gallery category data
    async categoryUISuccess(parsedData) {
        console.log('parsed data', parsedData);
        parsedData.forEach((slide, index) => {
            this.createSlide(slide, index);


    // Clear all child elements of the container
    clearContainer() {
        while (this.container.firstChild) {

    // Create individual gallery slides
    createSlide(slide) {
        const productContainerClass = "w-2 h-1";

        const displayDiv = this.createElementWithClass('div', productContainerClass);

        const productItem = this.createElementWithClass('div', 'product-item');

        const images = this.createElementWithClass('div', 'images');

        const productImage = this.createElement('img', {
            src: slide.image_path,
            alt: slide.content,
            loading: 'lazy',
            'data-heading': slide.heading

        const paragraph = this.createElementWithClassAndContent('p', 'hideContent', slide.content);

        const title = this.createElementWithClass('div', 'title');

        const heading1 = this.createElementWithClassAndContent('h1', 'pictureHeading', `${slide.heading[0].toUpperCase()}${slide.heading.slice(1)}`);

    // Utility function to create an HTML element with attributes
    createElement(tag, attributes = {}) {
        const element = document.createElement(tag);
        Object.entries(attributes).forEach(([key, value]) => {
            element.setAttribute(key, value);
        return element;

    createElementWithClass(tag, className) {
        const element = this.createElement(tag);
        element.className = className;
        return element;

    createElementWithClassAndContent(tag, className, content) {
        const element = this.createElementWithClass(tag, className);
        element.textContent = content;
        return element;

    // Add click event listeners to images to open in lightbox
    addImageListeners() {
        const images = document.querySelectorAll('img');
        images.forEach(image => {
            image.addEventListener('click', () => this.handleImageClick(image));

    // Handle the click event when an image is clicked
    handleImageClick(image) {
        this.lightbox.classList.add('active'); = 'none';

        // Create the common container for productImage and productHeading
        let imageExifContainer = document.createElement('div');
         * Create Image portion of LightBox
        let productImage = document.createElement('img');
        productImage.width = 800;
        productImage.height = 534;
        //console.log('image', image);
        productImage.src = image.src // image path

         * Create EXIF portion of LightBox
        let productHeading = document.createElement('p');

        productHeading.textContent = image.getAttribute('data-heading');

        // Add both elements to the common container

         * Create Text portion of Lightbox

        let nextSibling = image.nextElementSibling; // Grab the next sibling:
        let content = document.createElement('p');

        content.textContent = nextSibling.textContent;

        /* Remove large Image For Screen (cleanup) */
        while (this.lightbox.firstChild) {

        // Add the container to the lightbox

        /* Add Content to Screen */

    // Add click event listener to lightbox to close it
    addLightboxListener() {
        this.lightbox.addEventListener('click', () => {
            if (this.lightbox.hasChildNodes()) {

    // Close the active lightbox
    exitLightbox() {
        document.getElementById('gallery_category').style.display = 'block';
        document.querySelector('.sidebar_pages').style.display = 'flex';


        document.querySelector('.container').style.display = 'grid';
        // document.querySelector('.pagination').style.display = 'flex';

    // Handle errors when fetching gallery category data fails
    categoryUIError(error) {
        console.log("Database Table did not load", error);

    // Send a request to the server to fetch images
    async createImageRequest(url, succeed, fail) {
        try {
            const response = await fetch(url, {
                method: 'POST', // or 'PUT'
                body: JSON.stringify(this.database_data),


            const data = await response.json();
        } catch (error) {

    // Clear all pagination links
    resetLinks() {
        /* Remove Links For Screen (cleanup) */
        while (this.sidebar.firstChild) {

    // Update the UI with the received pagination data
    async paginationUISuccess(parsedData) {

        this.database_data.offset = await parsedData.offset;
        this.total_pages = Math.ceil(this.database_data.total_count / this.database_data.per_page);

        /* Create the Display Links and add an event listener */
        this.pages = [{}];
         * Creating the array of page object(s)
        for (let x = 0; x < this.total_pages; x++) {
            this.pages[x] = {page: x + 1};

        this.pages.forEach(link_page => {
            const links = document.createElement('div');
            links.className = 'links';
             * Add event listener for the links
            links.addEventListener('click', () => {
                this.database_data.current_page =;

                // Close the lightbox if it's currently active
                if (this.lightbox.classList.contains('active')) {
                    document.getElementById('gallery_category').style.display = 'block';
                    document.querySelector('.sidebar_pages').style.display = 'flex';
                    document.querySelector('.container').style.display = 'grid';

                this.createRequest('portfolioPagination.php', this.paginationUISuccess, this.paginationUIError);

            const pageText = document.createElement('p');
            pageText.className = 'linkStyle';
   = 'page_' +;
            pageText.textContent =;
            if (this.database_data.current_page === {
       = "#00b28d";

        await this.createImageRequest('portfolioGetImages.php', this.categoryUISuccess, this.categoryUIError);

    // Handle errors when fetching pagination data fails
    paginationUIError(error) {
        console.log("Database Table did not load", error);

    // Send a request to the server
    async createRequest(url, succeed, fail) {
        try {
            const response = await fetch(url, {
                method: 'POST', // or 'PUT'
                body: JSON.stringify(this.database_data),


            const data = await response.json();
            //console.log('count', data);
        } catch (error) {

    // Send a request to get the total number of images in a category
    async updateTotalCountAndPagination() {
        await this.createRequest('getTotalCount.php', this.totalCountUISuccess.bind(this), this.totalCountUIError.bind(this));

    // Update the UI upon successfully fetching the total count
    totalCountUISuccess(parsedData) {
        this.database_data.total_count = parsedData.total_count;
        this.createRequest('portfolioPagination.php', this.paginationUISuccess.bind(this), this.paginationUIError.bind(this));

    // Handle errors when fetching the total count fails
    totalCountUIError(error) {
        console.log("Database Table did not load", error);

    // Add event listeners to DOM elements
    bindEvents() {
        this.category.addEventListener('change', () => {
            this.database_data.current_page = 1;
            this.database_data.category = this.category.value;

            if (this.lightbox.classList.contains('active')) {
                document.getElementById('gallery_category').style.display = 'block';
                document.querySelector('.sidebar_pages').style.display = 'flex';
                document.querySelector('.container').style.display = 'grid';


        document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
            this.createRequest('portfolioPagination.php', this.paginationUISuccess.bind(this), this.paginationUIError.bind(this));

    // Initialization function
    init() {

const productManager = new ProductManager();

It really tightens up the code and make it so much easier adding HTML elements to the page. Like I stated I use ChatGPT as a tool not as a 🩼 which I think is a good way to use AI. Just my two cents.

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