I have a handy cart but trying to get the subtotal + activation ($25) + shipping fee for the grand total. If anyone could help I would be VERY grateful! Here’s the code:
[code]<?php session_start(); ?>
TV Connect.US Order Check Out <?php if(isset($_GET["id"])) { if($_SESSION["cnt"]>0) { $_SESSION["cntqty"] = $_SESSION["cntqty"] - $_SESSION["qty".$_GET["id"]]; for ( $counter = $_GET["id"]; $counter < $_SESSION["cnt"]; $counter += 1) { $incr = $counter+1; $_SESSION["title".$counter] = $_SESSION["title".$incr]; $_SESSION["paymentmethod".$counter] = $_SESSION["paymentmethod".$incr]; $_SESSION["price".$counter] = $_SESSION["price".$incr]; $_SESSION["qty".$counter] = $_SESSION["qty".$incr]; $_SESSION["total".$counter] = $_SESSION["total".$incr]; } $_SESSION["cnt"] = $_SESSION["cnt"]-1; $_SESSION["grandtotal"] = $_SESSION["grandtotal"] - $_SESSION["total".$_GET["id"]]; }
else if(isset($_GET["prod"]))
$_SESSION["cnt"] = $_SESSION["cnt"]+1;
$_SESSION["title".$_SESSION["cnt"]] = $_GET["prod"];
$_SESSION["paymentmethod".$_SESSION["cnt"]] = $_GET["pmode"];
$_SESSION["price".$_SESSION["cnt"]] = $_GET["price"];
$_SESSION["qty".$_SESSION["cnt"]] = $_GET["qty"];
$_SESSION["total".$_SESSION["cnt"]] = $_GET["price"]*$_GET["qty"];
$_SESSION["grandtotal"] = $_SESSION["paymentmethod"] + $_SESSION["grandtotal"] + $_SESSION["total".$_SESSION["cnt"]];
} ?>
<? $_SESSION['discount'] = $discount; ?>
<? $_SESSION['reducedTotal'] = $reducedTotal; ?>
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