Add onclick google analytics tracking


I need to insert the Google Analytics tracking code to track my goals and users who click on my menu. The problem is…my website is a one pager and the menu is generated from the pages I have created (not using wordpress menu’s).

If I go to my header, I find the following code which is related to my menu:


			<ul id="menu">


					$page_argss = array('parent' => 0,'sort_order' => 'ASC', 'sort_column' => 'menu_order');

					$pagess = get_pages($page_argss); 


					foreach ($pagess as $single_pagee) {


						$show_page_in_menuu =  get_post_meta($pageIdd , 'show_page_in_menu' , true);

						if($show_page_in_menuu != 'No') {






				$page_args = array('parent' => 0,'sort_order' => 'ASC', 'sort_column' => 'menu_order');

				$pages = get_pages($page_args); 


				foreach ($pages as $single_page) {


						//if(($menu_items==1)&&(!is_single())){ $trenutni=" current";}


						//$pageTemplate= get_post_meta($single_page->ID , 'page_template' , true);

						//if(($pageTemplate=='Blog')&&(is_single())){ $trenutni="class='current'";}	 


					  // $pageInMenu= get_post_meta($single_page->ID, 'show_page_in_menu' , true);

					  // $url_tab = "#"; 

					   //if (!is_front_page()){

						// $url_tab = get_option("siteurl")."#";

					  // }

					  // $menu_items++;



						$children = get_pages('child_of='.$pageId.'&sort_column=menu_order&parent='.$pageId);


						$external_link =  get_post_meta($pageId , 'external_link' , true);

						$page_template =  get_post_meta($pageId , 'page_template' , true);

						$show_page_in_menu =  get_post_meta($pageId , 'show_page_in_menu' , true);

						if($show_page_in_menu != 'No') {




						$lastClassSub=' class="with_ul" ';

						if($numberOfPagesInMenu == $numberOfPages) {

							$lastClass=' class="last" ';

							$lastClassSub=' class="with_ul last"   ';





							//if(($pageTemplate=='Blog')&&(is_single())){ $trenutni="class='current'"; }	 


							if (!is_front_page()){

							 $url_tab = get_option("siteurl")."#!/";


							if(count($children) == 0){  

								if ($external_link == '') {

									if ($page_template != 'Home') {

										echo '<li '.$lastClass.'><a href="'.$url_tab.''.$single_page->post_name .'">' . $single_page->post_title . '</a></li>';


									else {

										echo '<li '.$lastClass.'><a href="'.$url_tab.'">' . $single_page->post_title . '</a></li>';





									echo '<li '.$lastClass.' ><a  href="'.$external_link.'" >' . $single_page->post_title . '</a></li>';



							if(count($children) != 0){  

								if ($external_link == '') {

									if ($page_template != 'Home') {

										echo '<li '.$lastClassSub.'><a href="'.$url_tab.''.$single_page->post_name .'">' . $single_page->post_title . '</a>';


									else {

										echo '<li '.$lastClassSub.'><a href="'.$url_tab.'">' . $single_page->post_title . '</a>';



								else {

									echo '<li '.$lastClassSub.'><a href="'.$external_link.'">' . $single_page->post_title . '</a>';


								echo '<ul class="submenu_1">';

								foreach($children as $child)



									$grandChildren = get_pages('child_of='.$subPageId.'&sort_column=menu_order&parent='.$subPageId);

									$subPage_external_link =  get_post_meta($subPageId , 'external_link' , true);

									if(count($grandChildren) == 0){  

										if ($subPage_external_link == '') {

											echo  '<li><a href="'.$url_tab.''.$child->post_name.'">'.$child->post_title.'</a></li>';




											echo  '<li><a href="'.$subPage_external_link.'">'.$child->post_title.'</a></li>';



									if(count($grandChildren) != 0){  

										if ($subPage_external_link == '') {

											echo  '<li><a href="'.$url_tab.''.$child->post_name.'">'.$child->post_title.'</a>';




											echo  '<li><a href="'.$subPage_external_link.'">'.$child->post_title.'</a>';



										echo '<ul class="submenu_2">';

										foreach($grandChildren as $grandChild)



											$subPage_external_link_grand =  get_post_meta($grandPageId , 'external_link' , true);


												if ($subPage_external_link_grand == '') {

													echo  '<li><a href="'.$url_tab.''.$grandChild->post_name.'">'.$grandChild->post_title.'</a></li>';




													echo  '<li><a href="'.$subPage_external_link_grand.'">'.$grandChild->post_title.'</a></li>';



										echo '</ul>';

										echo '</li>';





								echo '</ul>';

								echo '</li>';







I am trying to understand how and where I can add the following tracking code for my last menu item, the Contacts Page, so I can track who clicks and goes to that page:

[php]onclick="_gaq.push([’_trackEvent’, ‘Menu’, ‘clicked’, ‘submit’])";[/php]

I also can’t use GA’s direct link feature because my website is based on the wordpress template “Genius”, where the menu links change the url to /!#/

Anybody can help me? I’m not a PHP expert, I only understand the very basics…

Can you just track it by the querystrings?

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