A problem with wordpress plugin

I don’t know PHP. And I need a help, I have tried to understood the script but I couldn’t have done. And I dont have any idea how to fix it.

The script at the following occurs a mistake:
It has to create an instagram link to my instagram account. But beginning of the instagram link also my website address writes. For example think that there is a instagram icon at the footer of this page. When you click it, “www.instagram.com/taaruzkecisi” has to be open in blank page, but when you click the icon, opens as “www.phphelp.com/www.instagram.com/taaruzkecisi” so it is 404…
Here is the script:


class mtheme_Social_Widget extends WP_Widget {
function __construct() {
$widget_ops = array( ‘classname’ => ‘MSocial_Widget’, ‘description’ => __(‘Generate social links’, ‘mthemelocal’) );
$control_ops = array(‘width’ => 600, ‘height’ => 350);
parent::__construct( ‘msocial-widget’, MTHEME_WIDGET_PREFIX . __(’ - Social Widget’, ‘mthemelocal’), $widget_ops,$control_ops);

function widget( $args, $instance ) {
	extract( $args );

	$title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title'] );
	$text = apply_filters( 'widget_text', $instance['text'], $instance );
	$imgcaption = $instance['imgcaption'];
	$call_us = $instance['call_us'];
	$call_us_link = $instance['call_us_link'];	

	$icon_size = $instance['icon_size'];
	$animation = $instance['animation'];
	$icon_opacity = $instance['icon_opacity'];
	$newtab = $instance['newtab'];
	$nofollow = $instance['nofollow'];
	$alignment = $instance['alignment'];
	$socials = array(
		'custom1name' => 'RSS Link',
		'custom1icon' => 'rss',
		'custom2name' => 'Facebook',
		'custom2icon' => 'facebook',
		'custom3name' => 'Twitter',
		'custom3icon' => 'twitter',
		'custom4name' => 'Dribbble',
		'custom4icon' => 'dribbble',
		'custom5name' => 'Google+',
		'custom5icon' => 'google-plus',
		'custom6name' => 'LinkedIn',
		'custom6icon' => 'linkedin',
		'custom7name' => 'Tumblr',
		'custom7icon' => 'tumblr',
		'custom8name' => 'Youtube',
		'custom8icon' => 'youtube',
		'custom9name' => 'Pinterest',
		'custom9icon' => 'pinterest',
		'custom10name' => 'Flickr',
		'custom10icon' => 'flickr',
		'custom11name' => 'Skype',
		'custom11icon' => 'skype',
		'custom12name' => 'Instagram',
		'custom12icon' => 'instagram',
		'custom13name' => 'Behance',
		'custom13icon' => 'behance',
		'custom14name' => 'Vimeo',
		'custom14icon' => 'vimeo-square',
		'custom15name' => 'Vine',
		'custom15icon' => 'vine',
		'custom16name' => '500px',
		'custom16icon' => '500px');

	for ($social_count=1; $social_count <=16; $social_count++ ) {
		$customicon[$social_count] = $socials['custom'.$social_count.'icon'];
		$customname[$social_count] = $socials['custom'.$social_count.'name'];
		if (isSet($instance['custom'.$social_count.'url'])) {
			$customurl[$social_count] = $instance['custom'.$social_count.'url'];

	if($icon_size == 'default') {
		$icon_size = '16';
	$icon_opacity = '0.9';
	$icon_ie = $icon_opacity * 100;
	$nofollow = '';
	if ($newtab == 'yes') {
		$newtab = "target=\"_blank\"";
		} else {
		$newtab = '';
	$alignment = '';

	echo $before_widget;

	if ( $title )
		echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
	echo '<div class="social-header-wrap">';
	echo '<ul>';
	for ($social_count=1; $social_count <=16; $social_count++ ) {
		// Custom Icon 1
		if ( isSet($customurl[$social_count]) && $customurl[$social_count] != '' && $customname[$social_count] != '' && $customicon[$social_count] != '' ) {
			<li class="social-icon">
			<a class="ntips" title="<?php echo $customname[$social_count]; ?>" href="<?php echo $customurl[$social_count]; ?>" <?php echo $nofollow; ?> <?php echo $newtab; ?>>
				<i class="fa fa-<?php echo $customicon[$social_count]; ?>"></i>
		} else {
			echo ''; //If no URL inputed

	// Call us
	if ( $call_us != '' && $call_us != ' ' ) {
		<li class="contact-text"><i class="fa fa-phone-square"></i> &nbsp; 
		<?php if ($call_us_link<>"") { echo '<a href="'.$call_us_link.'">'; }?>
		<?php echo $call_us; ?>
		<?php if ($call_us_link<>"") { echo '</a>'; }?>
	echo '</ul>';
	echo '</div>';

	/* After widget (defined by themes). */
	echo $after_widget;

/* Update the widget settings  */
function update( $new_instance, $old_instance ) {
	$instance = $old_instance;

	/* Strip Tags For Text Boxes */
	$instance['title'] = strip_tags( $new_instance['title'] );
	if ( current_user_can('unfiltered_html') )
		$instance['text'] =  $new_instance['text'];
		$instance['text'] = stripslashes( wp_filter_post_kses( addslashes($new_instance['text']) ) ); // wp_filter_post_kses() expects slashed
	$instance['imgcaption'] = $new_instance['imgcaption'];
	$instance['icon_size'] = $new_instance['icon_size'];
	$instance['animation'] = $new_instance['animation'];
	$instance['icon_opacity'] = $new_instance['icon_opacity'];
	$instance['newtab'] = $new_instance['newtab'];
	$instance['nofollow'] = $new_instance['nofollow'];
	$instance['alignment'] = $new_instance['alignment'];
	$instance['call_us'] = strip_tags( $new_instance['call_us'] );
	$instance['call_us_link'] = strip_tags( $new_instance['call_us_link'] );
	for ($social_count=1; $social_count <=16; $social_count++ ) {
		$instance['custom'.$social_count.'name'] = strip_tags( $new_instance['custom'.$social_count.'name'] );
		$instance['custom'.$social_count.'icon'] = strip_tags( $new_instance['custom'.$social_count.'icon'] );
		$instance['custom'.$social_count.'url'] = strip_tags( $new_instance['custom'.$social_count.'url'] );
	return $instance;

function form( $instance ) {

	$defaults = array( 
		'title' => __('Follow Us!', 'mthemelocal'),
		'text' => '',
		'imgcaption' => __('Follow Us on', 'mthemelocal'), 
		'icon_size' => 'default',
		'icon_opacity' => 'default',
		'newtab' => 'yes',
		'nofollow' => 'on',
		'alignment' => 'center',
		'call_us' => '',
		'call_us_link' => '',
		'custom1name' => 'RSS Link',
		'custom1icon' => 'rss',
		'custom1url' => '',
		'custom2name' => 'Facebook',
		'custom2icon' => 'facebook',
		'custom2url' => '',
		'custom3name' => 'Twitter',
		'custom3icon' => 'twitter',
		'custom3url' => '',
		'custom4name' => 'Dribbble',
		'custom4icon' => 'dribbble',
		'custom4url' => '',
		'custom5name' => 'Google+',
		'custom5icon' => 'google-plus',
		'custom5url' => '',
		'custom6name' => 'LinkedIn',
		'custom6icon' => 'linkedin',
		'custom6url' => '',
		'custom7name' => 'Tumblr',
		'custom7icon' => 'tumblr',
		'custom7url' => '',
		'custom8name' => 'Youtube',
		'custom8icon' => 'youtube',
		'custom8url' => '',
		'custom9name' => 'Pinterest',
		'custom9icon' => 'pinterest',
		'custom9url' => '',
		'custom10name' => 'Flickr',
		'custom10icon' => 'flickr',
		'custom10url' => '',
		'custom11name' => 'Skype',
		'custom11icon' => 'skype',
		'custom11url' => '',
		'custom12name' => 'Instagram',
		'custom12icon' => 'instagram',
		'custom12url' => '',
		'custom13name' => 'Behance',
		'custom13icon' => 'behance',
		'custom13url' => '',
		'custom14name' => 'Vimeo',
		'custom14icon' => 'vimeo-square',
		'custom14url' => '',
		'custom15name' => 'Vine',
		'custom15icon' => 'vine',
		'custom15url' => '',
		'custom16name' => '500px',
		'custom16icon' => '500px',
		'custom16url' => ''
	$instance = wp_parse_args( (array) $instance, $defaults ); ?>

	<h2>Social Settings</h2>
		<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'newtab' ); ?>"><?php _e('Open in new tab?', 'mthemelocal'); ?></label><br />
		<select class="widefat" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'newtab' ); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'newtab' ); ?>">
		<option value="yes" <?php if($instance['newtab'] == 'yes') { echo 'selected'; } ?>>Yes</option>
		<option value="no" <?php if($instance['newtab'] == 'no') { echo 'selected'; } ?>>No</option>

	<h2>Contact Text</h2>
	<p>Fill this with any contact info you like. eg. Call us: +123 456 7890</p>
	<!-- Call us -->
		<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'call_us' ); ?>"><?php _e('Contact text:', 'mthemelocal'); ?></label><br />
		<input class="widefat" type="text" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'call_us' ); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'call_us' ); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr($instance['call_us']); ?>" />
	<!-- Call us link -->
		<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'call_us_link' ); ?>"><?php _e('Contact text link:', 'mthemelocal'); ?></label><br />
		<input class="widefat" type="text" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'call_us_link' ); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'call_us_link' ); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr($instance['call_us_link']); ?>" />

	<h2>Social Links</h2>
	<!-- Custom Service 1: Text Input -->
	for ($social_count=1; $social_count <=16; $social_count++ ) {
		<strong><h2><?php echo $social_count; ?></h2>
		<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'custom'.$social_count.'name' ); ?>"><?php echo $defaults['custom'.$social_count.'name']; ?>:</strong> URL</label><br />
		<input class="widefat" type="text" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'custom'.$social_count.'url' ); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'custom'.$social_count.'url' ); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr($instance['custom'.$social_count.'url']); ?>" />


add_action(‘widgets_init’, create_function(’’, ‘return register_widget(“mtheme_Social_Widget”);’));

That is it.

I hope you can help me.

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