i have a page set up so we can edit shop items… names, desc, categories, prices etc
when you save, it loops through every item and runs update queries on each
there are about 45 items right now…
if ($mode == ‘update’) {
$result = mysql_query(“SELECT * FROM products ORDER BY id”);
if($result) {
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$categories = ‘’;
foreach ($cats as $key => $value) {
$pid = $row[‘id’] . ‘_’ . $key;
$categories = $categories . (($_POST[$pid] != ‘’) ? ‘(’ . $row[‘id’] . ‘,’ . $_POST[$pid] . ‘),’ : ‘’);
$categories = substr($categories, 0, -1);
$name = htmlentities($_POST[$row[‘id’] . ‘_name’]);
$desc = htmlentities($_POST[$row[‘id’] . ‘_desc’]);
$bp = $_POST[$row[‘id’] . ‘_base’];
$dp = $_POST[$row[‘id’] . ‘_deluxe’];
$pp = $_POST[$row[‘id’] . ‘_premium’];
mysql_query("UPDATE products SET name='" . $name . "', description='" . $desc . "',base_price=" . $bp . ",deluxe_price=" . $dp . ",premium_price=" . $pp . " WHERE id=" . $row['id']);
mysql_query("DELETE FROM prodcats WHERE prod_id=" . $row['id']);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO prodcats (prod_id,cat_id) VALUES " . $categories . ";");
while it DOES work… i wonder if there is a better way. 2 tables… products that has the id, prices, desc, name, etc and the prodcat which has a list of the product id and category id.
so essentially it loop through each item updates, then updates the prodcats table… 45+ times in a row. I can see this failing. Help! thanks!