Well, Zoldos, I will throw out another idea…
I have one site that does a sort of system that might be what you want. It allows for a reset of the password by sending an email to the user with an encoded link like Astonecipher showed you. Basically, what he was saying is that you can use the base64_encode() function to create a more hidden value for the link that you send to the user in the email. In other words, he showed you if you decode the link, it shows you an array or in this case a json_decode array with [name] and [email] as the outputs. To create the inputs, you basically just do the opposite. base64_encode(json_encode(“your full link string”)) and it will create a link like Astone showed you. Then, you pass that as the link inside the user’s email. Hackers can not duplicate that and you can validate it in several ways so hackers can not send fake data. The user will get an email with a link that is like Astone showed you, but, of course they would see “Click-Here” or something like that.
Not sure if all that makes sense. Just trying to explain what he meant in more detail.
Astonecypher, perhaps you can give him the ENCODE part so he can understand it better…